Utsava Update(s) 8-3-21, 8-6-21… “Big Actions Coming” & “Right on!!… EBS… and more” (highlights only)

These came in 3 days ago and today. Fascinating to me was what she stated about the spiritual value of horses.

As before, I’m only posting a few highlights, with the full articles available via subscription. Feel free to discern for yourself regarding this information.

The full articles are available to those who subscribe to her Buymeacoffee page.


Big Actions Coming Up!! (highlights)

“…our predictions, as an entire picture, have all happened, it has just not always been announced. In some cases things are dragged on but they ARE happening! It is the Art of War. You get more done when you are silent, when you distract and don’t always fight the enemy head-on.

“Trump is right, something has to be done. Evil forces are trying to jail people of the light, people who speak the truth and people who do good in this world. I have seen corrupt people first hand in law enforcement team up with criminals, smear you, they are part of the Freemason group…

“In this new time this will not be allowed any longer! Fight back! Pray and use positive visualization. Align yourself with good things, do not focus on the bad.”

Right on!! XRP, Nesara, Gold, Trump back?, EBS, Cuomo, Gates and more! (highlights)

“We have been saving many horses and donkeys almost daily!… Horses have a spiritual meaning. Horses can offset satanic cursing.

“People have noticed in a lot of different places troops on the ground, lots of military air traffic and lots of things are happening in the news which are signs that the military is getting ready for something-we know what it is. It is about the final stage of the take-over of the system.

“Talk is about an EBS “Test” on August 11. We have lots of other signs that the EBS could be happening next week or very soon. People have also seen huge generators for hospitals etc. being brought everywhere due to the expected power outage. The power outage will be only for a short period of time… three days max.

“Pelosi and Biden suggest [Gov. Cuomo] should resign otherwise face impeachment. For those who are not aware: Pelosi and Biden have been executed a while back. Out there have been clones, facemasks and holographic projections… People are very brainwashed and this is about soft disclosure. It is very effective to have the Deep state agree on the changes so that people, who trust these Deep state operatives, get used to the changes in a way they will accept them.

“Evictions are halted until October. In October it is said that we have new elections… The Biden facemask will go in August, due to a scandal coming up and the voter fraud which will be revealed.

“…[Trump] has never left us and no president will ever go back to the White house. The place of government will be in Texas and Florida most likely.

“The changes are happening regardless and we are winning no matter what nonsense is said be it by the mainstream news or otherwise by some people who are not in the known.

“The currency reset has happened last may, this does not mean that officially the currency values have changed much. Right now talk is about having the Iraq dinar value changed to a similar rate like the Kuwait rate, which is approx. $ 3.32 for 1 Kuwaiti dinar…

“The US government has taken over (“swallowed”) XRP, which will be used for banking. XRP will be gold-backed, XLM (Stellar) silver-backed. XRP has announced on Twitter that most of the cryptocurrencies out there won’t remain due to lawsuits they will file against them. It will be a requirement to have currencies asset-backed. A lot… are not legal and won’t be existing any longer soon, such as Etherium and Bitcoin. We have talked about this for years.”


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