Benjamin Fulford 6-14-21… “The Removal From Power of Benjamin Netanyahu is a Game Changer”

New weekly report from Ben.

“The formal removal from power of Israeli Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a geopolitical game-changer. Netanyahu’s departure means the messianic Zionist fanatics who want to kill 90% of humanity and rule the survivors from a greater Israel have lost.

““This is momentous to counter KM (Khazarian Mafia) geopolitics,” MI6 sources say. Netanyahu is being taken into protective custody so that he can sing about his hidden controllers before he is killed and silenced, they add.

“…Russian FSB, MI6, Mossad, and CIA sources all agree that humanity faces a common enemy in the form of the Khazarian Mafia (KM). The KM members are now circling their wagons around their G7 slave civilian governments, NATO, and the banksters in Switzerland.”


The Removal From Power of Benjamin Netanyahu is a Game Changer
by Benjamin Fulford, June 14, 2021

The formal removal from power of Israeli Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a geopolitical game-changer.  Netanyahu’s departure means the messianic Zionist fanatics who want to kill 90% of humanity and rule the survivors from a greater Israel have lost.

“This is momentous to counter KM (Khazarian Mafia) geopolitics,” MI6 sources say.  Netanyahu is being taken into protective custody so that he can sing about his hidden controllers before he is killed and silenced, they add.  Mossad sources insist the real Netanyahu is long gone and what we are seeing is a clone.  However, the MI6 version of events is more in line with what most of us understand as reality.

In any case, some recent news items show how big a change is coming to the Middle East.  Just before Netanyahu was ousted the Mossad linked site DEBKA posted the following:

“Iran’s nuclear breakout may soon be a matter of weeks.  This assessment by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday, June 8th, confronts the incoming Bennett-Lapid government with its first major challenge – indeed the most ominous test that has faced any past Israeli government.”

Do these idiots actually believe anybody listens to them anymore after repeating this weekly for over 30 years?

Now instead we see the Israeli colony of Saudi Arabia trying to make peace with Syria and Iran.

The Russians, for their part, know full well that “Hamas and IS were created by Israeli intel and all their leaders are working for ‘Mossada.’” This is the sort of behavior that prompted a collective decision by the world’s military to tell Israel to “stop or else.”

What has now happened is that the people of Israel decided they did not want to go through another Mossada-like collective suicide.

In any case, Russian FSB, MI6, Mossad, and CIA sources all agree that humanity faces a common enemy in the form of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).  The KM members are now circling their wagons around their G7 slave civilian governments, NATO, and the banksters in Switzerland.

When an FSB source asked if the White Dragon Society was going to hit Geneva, Switzerland with a nuclear strike in order to take out the KM’s Octagon politburo, they were told the WDS “have decided…

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