David Wilcock 4-25-21 VIDEO… “Pyramid UFOs Officially Confirmed — What Are They? And Why Now?”

Very much attuned with this as I watched it, live, yesterday. I have saved video as MP4 (500 MB) (https://tinyurl.com/ynb2cpmc) and audio as MP3 (102 MB) (https://tinyurl.com/29m5b468).

Here are my notes, including approximate times (hr:min):

  • Open disclosure is coming (limited, however), via Sen. Ted Cruz, for one.
  • 0:55 Right around the corner, are “disruptions”. DW recommends x22report.
  • Significant “negative” events are being thwarted constantly.
  • Von Braun (via Carol Rosen) stated last card for cabal is “fake alien invasion”
  • 1:10 ET disclosures are visible already.
  • 1:20 Feb. 2021, Pentagon admits to testing UFO wreckage (e.g., metal with “memory”).
  • 1:25 Antigravity occurs in nature.
  • 1:30 12-20 DJT put through $2.3 trillion for CV relief, which includes requirement that 180 days to disclose all.
  • 1:50 Ascension is happening NOW. (only need 51% STO (service to others))
  • 2:05 It’s about to get “crazy”… soon. Suggest having ONE MONTH’s supplies.
  • TR3B appears to be “blimp”.
  • 2:10 Stealth blimp program = triangle… put four of these together and get tetrahedron = pyramid. DW mentions Santa Surfing video re: these craft over Pentagon
  • 2:15 Timeline starting from Dec., 2018, where cabal felt deeply threatened.
  • 2:23 2009 was hovering “triangle” UFO over Kremlin, at same time as Obama supposed to announce existence of UFOs, where the deep state made the “Norway spiral” = black hole. Obama threatened to be taken in AF1 into that black hole and never seen again.



NOTE: severe echo for the first 2-3 minutes, which they correct.

DNI Ratcliffe announced that the “Big D” — official Disclosure — is going live as of June 1st, with a variety of confirmed new intel.
Even if this is a disappointment in the first round, it still represents an absolutely monumental change in everything we thought we knew about reality.
Shortly after this announcement, the media began producing saturation coverage of a film of pyramid-shaped UFOs, confirming their authenticity.
What in the world is going on here? Who is piloting these UFOs? Are they extraterrestrial in nature… or part of a secret project? There are so many unknowns. Are there things we are not seeing?
If these pyramid UFOs are a threat, then we may have a BigProblem(TM).
I know. I know.
David Wilcock will reveal never-before-seen information suggesting the true nature of the UFOs — and why this information might be emerging now.
Given that this story is about to impact everyone’s life whether they are following it or not, David’s new analysis is a must-see!

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