Kp Message 3-6-21… “Each Hue-BEing has their role” (and I do NOT align with some of them)

Somewhere on FB, a person linked to an article from someone which many will know. I read through it, and no, I do not go along with the “nose down” kind of viewpoint that I saw there.

Here’s what I said in a reply to a comment on this FB posting:

Generally I can’t read [this kind of] writing. This article is so “down-down-down” that it’s like “why should we keep on keeping on”. I do NOT align with the attitude presented in this article.

Okay, so maybe I’m touchy about this, but all I’ll present are my own “gets” about the situation on this planet at this time.

I do not know all the details about what’s going on “behind the scenes”.

I do not need to know all the details about what’s going on “behind the scenes”.

I do not want to know all the details about what’s going on “behind the scenes”.

I have always got, from pre-day-1, that the Alliance and Trump (in that order) had this “handled”. And by “this”, I mean the process for the takedown of the (pick one) [deep state / cabal / illuminati / nwo]. No doubt about it. And I still have no doubt about it.

Those who feel that everything has to be “completely transparent and tell us everything because if you don’t you’re just like the cabal so tell us everything, dammit”, to me are completely missing the multi-dimensional and multi-level operations that are needed for this.

Numbers are being used in this operation. Certain types of misinformation and disinformation are being used in this operation. Q is being used in this operation. “Crap” and “Holy Crap” are being used in this operation.

Do I need to know everything about everything about it, like the writer of the article apparently may? NO. And that’s a capital “N” and capital “O”.

What do I perceive as my role in this operation?

In my view, it is to keep on keeping on, one day at a time, recognizing my own blocks to the Light coming in, releasing those blocks, and allowing the Light to come into and through me, one day at a time.

And occasionally putting out a “rant” like this one, when something pokes at my BEing, like that article did.

Aloha to all,

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