Kp Radio Hawaii 2-11-21… “Shocks!! (and using ‘Higher Inner Discernment’)”

Theme of the show: “Use one’s own Higher Inner Discernment about whatever is being “put out there” by others. That’s all that matters”

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Talked about (among other things):

  • PRELIMINARY NOTE: A key point of all this is to use one’s own Higher Inner Discernment about whatever is being “put out there” by others. That is all that matters.
  • There is a major amount of “challenging” going on right now. Particularly, it seems, for those called, “Light workers”.
  • I felt strongly “shaken” after reading some email information re: a being (entity) that puts data out.
  • Felt very strong sense of “shock” (for 2 days).
  • My view… it was message to convey a feeling about what many folks would be going through.
  • Dream: in a structure, very well illuminated, but all the walls and floors were black. Saw figure dressed (the entity that “puts data out”) dressed in black. VERY strong impact.
  • VERY strong impact on my mind and body… went through 2 days of feeling “inner shaking”.
  • “Oppressed” feeling (see video)
  • Went to Arcedium (on 2-10-21), spoke to L on phone call. What was happening with this entity may be that that particular group was trying to pull Light Workers away from their Inner Guidance. Capturing or harnessing of Light Worker energies and focus; aka, “corralling” of Light Workers.
  • Total of 4 of us got same message. Something to know at this moment: BE VERY AWARE OF THIS HAPPENING.
  • In this case, “Harvesting” = “Corralling” = “stealing” of the Light Energies.
  • What harvest are we going to a part of? “Corralling” or Ascending?
  • Related to this were Santa Surfing video, Lorie Ladd video.

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[Kp music note: the intro and ending music is “Kaulana na Pua” by Makaha Sons. A translation to English may be found here. (“Famous are the children of Hawaiʻi… Ever loyal to the land”)]

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