x22Report 1-14-19… The Shutdown: “Draining the Economic Swamp in Government”

This video really helped point out many things about the current “government shutdown”, how Trump (the Alliance) is using it to “Drain the economic swamp”. And it’s also related to the “central bank (aka, Fed)” system. Very illuminating.

EU is willing to extend the BREXIT but will not change the agreement. What the EU wants is for May to convince her government to go along with the deal. The government shutdown might not be what everyone thinks it is. Trump promised to drain the swamp, this is the economic swamp that is a burden on the American taxpayers. Government is to big, to bloated, and many who are in government are part of the [DS] apparatus that’s been building for years.

All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.

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