Kp Message 10-15-18… “Remaining ‘on Top’ within the Polarities”

“On Top” means, “above the fray(s)”, and it is about “Energetically” “remaining on top” (not like the “dominance” thing that some lower vibrationals like to fall back on).

There is obviously quite a bit of “reporting on this”, “reporting on that”, on some channels at least, that continually point out the divisions. “This side is full of (racism, mysogynism, blah-blah-blah-ism)”, “That side is lunatic central”, and so on. Of course, I know this by reading this or that article, or viewing this or that video channel (almost none of it MSM). And sometimes it is just so easy (for me, at least) to get all “tied up” in what I “know” is what’s really going on.

And do I really “know” is what’s really going on? Can’t say that I do, exactly, and in every arena that’s “playing out” right now. It is actually my own “sense” (and I mean, “deep inner sense”) of what is playing out. And it’s kind of based on all the things I’ve watched, read, or seen, over the past several months. But it is also based on what I consider is a “deep, Higher Intuitive Sense” about everything. And each has such a “deep, Higher Intuitive Sense” within themselves. I know mine does not necessarily align with everyone else’s.

One major item that often comes up is this whole “Good guys, Bad guys” polarity. I do believe that is all playing out big time right now.

Like I see many who are following the “Trump wagon” talking like Christianity is the only path to follow, and phrases like “Praise Jesus”, and “Pass the ammunition, because you ain’t takin’ away my guns” commonly come up here and there. Oh yes, and there’s the phrases like “anyone who has anything to do with Islam is a terrible person”, and “you’d better watch out for them because they’re trying to turn the United States into one big Muslim country, and the White House and Capitol buildings into giant mosques”.

The “other side” of the arena comes up with things like, “Trump is a (racist, mysogynist, loudmouth, inappropriate, politically incorrect) a–hole person who got lucky and won the Presidency”, “Anyone who voted for or supports him is a (racist, mysogynist, deplorable, low intellect, uneducated) fool”. Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

This vs. that… Them vs. us…. Holy crap!

Personally, I’ve been done with that game for many, many years. I’ve also known many people, from many different regions of this planet, who practice this religion, that religion, no religion, atheism, Secret Space Program-ism, David Wilcock-ism, David Icke-ism, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

I view it as each and every BEing has the freedom to practice, or not practice, what they want. And I know many who are in those “practices” who have all found a “Peace within themselves” that is (perhaps) what all are looking for.

Anyway, this whole “Remaining ‘on Top’ (energetically) within the Polarities” deal, for myself, at least, is really about NOT participating in it (the polarity game, that is)… and giving NO energy to it.

As I watch the so-called “left” and “right” ones blast away at each other, via articles, videos, Twitter, Facebook, Gab, etc., etc., etc., I know that that is not my role. I just step back and go within, pet Mira, feed the birds, go to the ocean, and find that Peace place within… Myself.

And (sometimes) just observe the show.

That is all for today. All is well.

Aloha, Kp

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