Daily Archives: July 15, 2018

RMN / 8chan… “Is JFK Jr. alive, and collaborating with Trump?…” (#JFKJr #Trump #Q, #QAnon)

I’d seen this “pop up” several days ago, and when I saw it, something about it “rang” within me. I’m posting the text of an 8chan post where it is posted (even though I believe this is more recent than … Continue reading

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Fascinating Reddit post… “Has it been noted that POTUS will be meeting Putin on the anniversary of JFK jr’s death”

The power just went out, so I’m posting from my phone. Found this at Reddit, and upon checking Wikipedia, he was indeed reported to have died on 7-16-1999. The Putin-Trump meeting is also scheduled for 7-16. Coincidence? Perhaps not.

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PrayingMedic VIDEOS… Two more that might shed some Light… (“Peter Strzok & Lisa Page” and “The Five Eyes by Paul Serran”)

I’m really not paying too much attention to the Strzok/Page, et al., hearings, even though I know there’s a tonne of chatter out there about it. Not my game. But I found these two PrayingMedic videos illuminating. . [youtube=https://youtu.be/0yb_opQ70Xc&w=550] https://youtu.be/0yb_opQ70Xc … Continue reading

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PrayingMedic 7-15-18 comments on the @_ImperatorREX_ Twitter thread

Related to this prior post, PrayingMedic goes through the @_ImperatorREX_ Twitter thread. Some may enjoy listening to his comments and analysis. . [youtube=https://youtu.be/SolUmIKW5d4&w=600] https://youtu.be/SolUmIKW5d4 Imperator Rex is an influential voice on Twitter who recently went public with his thoughts on … Continue reading

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GaiaPortal 7-15-18… “Organics are fully enabled on the planetary surface”

I have a sense that the word “organics” may relate to the definition, “Constituting an integral part of a whole; fundamental”. Namely, the fundamentals (integral parts) are fully enabled. Perhaps this implies that we are ready for the next phase(s) … Continue reading

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