@RealFreddy_P Twitter post 7-13-18… “The method in which #Qanon communicates has awakened our minds… LITERALLY”

This Freddy P Tweet showed up in my Twitter feed, and it just hit strongly that this is the value of #Q #QAnon. It has brought millions of “anons” together and has been unlocking the minds of these beings (and others), and releasing them from the matrix mind programming and control. BIG TIME!!

Freddy P @RealFreddy_P

The method in which #Qanon communicates has awakened our minds. Not symbolically, LITERALLY. Solving #breadcrumbs, networking/fellowships w/#Patriots, digging, #LEARN (ing), has re-activated areas of our mind that has been suppressed by #DeepState indoctrination & programming.
11:20 PM – 13 Jul 2018


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