David Wilcock 4-29-18 MORE Updates to his recent article… “The Alliance is not Trump”, “Could MOAB be next week”, and “Intel from David Seaman”

Here is another multi-update to David Wilcock’s recent article (this is also at the end of Part 2), and it is full of a few fascinating items. One is related to the Q posting recently posted.

“As is always expected in any instance of discussing the current President of the US, we get a raft of incredibly upset people writing in about it… be clear that the Republicans are dirty as hell, just like the Democrats…

Even if Trump were completely not in the picture, the Alliance would still be doing what they are doing. Please remember that. What the Alliance is doing is breaking down the walls of secrecy against a murderous, Satanic force.

“Once those walls come down, we will have a mass public awakening unlike anything even imaginable. That includes the forbidden technology. There are MANY factions of the Alliance that have nothing to do with the US president or his administration either. Everyone is fighting and dying TOGETHER, and overlooking their differences, for the greater good… the players have serious flaws, but it IS working.

“…COULD “MOAB” BE NEXT WEEK?… at the EXACT SECOND that I hit the question mark, David Seaman texted me. He said, “Time schedule moved up. This week. Should be some big disclosures re… Cabal this week.” Other specifics I will refrain from for operational security.

“[Q post] Apr 29 2018 11:17:29… The hard part is coming to an end. The next phase will bring JUSTICE. Q+… Right after I uploaded this and went to check on it, starting at the front page, there was a four-digit synchronicity in the hit counter. [88887] …the original Q post about the MOAB had a “quint” [quart?] on it as well, 1133332…

“…JUST GOT OFF THE PHONE… with David Seaman and heard a variety of things he is getting from his own insiders… He said that some very major disclosures were planned for this past week, but were held off because of Korea.… the Korea situation resolved into these peaceful accords much faster than had been anticipated.As a result, the decision was made to allow a “news cycle” to play out where this was absorbed by the public before moving to the next step.

“…this coming week should be… Interesting.”




As is always expected in any instance of discussing the current President of the US, we get a raft of incredibly upset people writing in about it.

Look. I get it. This is not the guy you wanted. He has made many mistakes and upset great numbers of people. His personality is not like mine.

Let’s also be clear that the Republicans are dirty as hell, just like the Democrats.

There are just as many NAMBLA members in Congress from either party. [North American Man-Boy Love Association.]

Even if Trump were completely not in the picture, the Alliance would still be doing what they are doing. Please remember that.

What the Alliance is doing is breaking down the walls of secrecy against a murderous, Satanic force.

This plan has been in place since the 1950s just within the American components. Foreign components have been working on it since the 1700s.


Once those walls come down, we will have a mass public awakening unlike anything even imaginable. That includes the forbidden technology.

There are MANY factions of the Alliance that have nothing to do with the US president or his administration either.

Everyone is fighting and dying TOGETHER, and overlooking their differences, for the greater good.

Heavy losses are being sustained. The effort is very imperfect, the players have serious flaws, but it IS working.

As Corsi said, and as I heard independently, the Alliance approached Trump because they felt they had no other choice short of a direct military coup.

You don’t have to like the man. Let’s just be willing to reflect on the possibility that this could all be leading to a massive Disclosure.

If you can even entertain the idea as a philosophical exercise, you might be surprised by how the dots connect.


I just had a very, very impressive synchronicity.

I wrote the above headline, and at the EXACT SECOND that I hit the question mark, David Seaman texted me.

He said, Time schedule moved up. This week. Should be some big disclosures re… Cabal this week.”

Other specifics I will refrain from for operational security.

This was truly jaw-dropping.

Here is what I was about to post from the latest Q Anon briefings:


Apr 28 2018 22:52:19 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1229092>1228857 Godspeed, Patriot(s). Stay strong. Stay united. BOOM week ahead. Q

Apr 29 2018 11:17:29 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1233553
>>1233458 … The hard part is coming to an end. The next phase will bring JUSTICE. Q+


Right after I uploaded this and went to check on it, starting at the front page, there was a four-digit synchronicity in the hit counter.

Probably the guides were trying to hit the “quint” of 88,888, and didn’t quite make it, but this was close enough:


Also notice that the original Q post about the MOAB had a “quint” on it as well, 1133332, and there was a numerical synchronicity in the time of the follow up also:

Apr 21 2018 15:10:43 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1133332

What will next week hold? MOAB. Q

Apr 21 2018 15:15:51 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1133464

Fire up those Memes! Please stand by. On the clock. Ready to play? MOAB incoming. Q


I just got off the phone with David Seaman and heard a variety of things he is getting from his own insiders.

Most of what is going on he could not talk about over electronic communication, which I totally understood.

He said that some very major disclosures were planned for this past week, but were held off because of Korea.

Apparently, the Korea situation resolved into these peaceful accords much faster than had been anticipated.

As a result, the decision was made to allow a “news cycle” to play out where this was absorbed by the public before moving to the next step.

Unless some other very strange and unexpected things happen, this coming week should be….



One more update: I Tweeted a clarification about the latest Ancient Aliens episode and found another Tweet with the scene in question from Zoolander 2.

That Tweet has now been embedded into this article, with a red Update headline, where Zoolander 2 is discussed.

Right after I uploaded it, this is where the hit counter was [90555]:


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