Kp Message 3-10-18… “Mahalo for all who participated and contributed to the Kauai-Pacific mission”

Even though I did not mention what I was doing or where I was doing during the recent Kauai-Pacific mission, I know that many were connected energetically with what was going on.

My part was extremely “focused in” on what was called for to be done, by me. However, I do know that many were involved with this, in one way or another.

A grand “Mahalo” (Thank you) for your participation and support.

Also I wish to thank each and every one who donated various amounts to the Kp PayPal account during the past couple of weeks. Essentially, those funds paid for my car rental and other expenses for the trip. Again, I say…

“A grand “Mahalo” (Thank you) for your participation and support.”

I sense that we have helped to “set the stage” for a sort of “Final Act” for the clearance of the “dark operators” and “resistant energies” on the planet, in a prelude for the “Event of Events”… whatever that turns out to be.

Much Aloha to all,

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