Daily Archives: June 11, 2017

Office of Poofness 6-11-17… “Playing In The Band”

A new Poofness / Susan / Zap report. Music lyrics and video link is at the end. [Kp note: I always take these “Poofnesses” as potential data. Does it “ring” true within (if it “rings” at all)?] [Office of Poofness … Continue reading

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A Whole “Load” of recent posts that shed Light on those ‘Attempts to Compromise’ Gaia, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Jordan Sather, Emma Gold, Teresa Yanaros, Blue Avians, Cosmic Disclosure, ‘The Light’, and (who else?)… let’s add Jesus, Buddha, Muhammed, and ________ (fill in with your favorite Light Being)!!

[Kp update: TY to TY for suggesting this Jordan video on this same topic. I’ve also added it at the end of this.] [Kp update 2: and no I am not apologizing for that 3.65 kilometer long title! I liked … Continue reading

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A Short George Webb VIDEO summary of the “stuff” that’s being unveiled right now… “George Webb Breaks Down the #HRCratline”

I sent this to a few people and I found it a quick type summary of what he has said is happening, and how it all got set up, and a few other things. I found this de-complicated some of … Continue reading

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170611 Kp Message LIVE…

https://youtu.be/Kt3yzxSnf3Y Mentioned: Today is Kamehameha Day. Remember this is the Kingdom of Hawai’i, not the State of Hawaii (see this Pinky Show video). “Attacks” happening on Lightworkers are more like “mud slings”. Those throwing the mud perhaps aren’t dealing with … Continue reading

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The GoldFish Report No. 100 Coming Soon!

https://youtu.be/yUQWKsTv2Ho https://youtu.be/yUQWKsTv2Ho Kp note: Well, some may be interested in keeping an eye out for this. I don’t know exactly when it is coming out, but I’ll post on the blog when it is. I originally thought I’d just be … Continue reading

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True Growth…

. The little chick is about twice the size from two weeks ago. Mama always eats from my hand… Baby chick still hasn’t got there yet…!

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GaiaPortal 6-11-17… “Forsights of endeavors are aligned for the new generation”

New GaiaPortal update. For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub. —————————————————— Forsights of endeavors are aligned for the new generation Forsights of endeavors are aligned for the new generation. Speculators devolve. Parasights are flexed. Monitors … Continue reading

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