Lada Ray FT 5-15-17… “Lada Ray analysis: @realDonaldTrump tweet on Russia and Ukraine causes Twitter storm”

I enjoyed this article by Lada as she, once again, presents what is happening not only in front of the scenes, but behind them as well. This definitely appears to show that planetary progress is happening.

One note: I’m quite sure that if President Obama had tried to say “Lets make Peace”, he would have been summarily “removed” (with or without prejudice). My sense is, he did what he had to do at the time. Now Trump is doing what he knows he has to do, at this time. Obama was the “set up” person, Trump is now the “take down” person.

Let’s have Peace, baby!!

“A very admirable sentiment from #POTUS Donald Trump that peace needs to be made between Russia /Donbass and Ukraine. I couldn’t agree more. Looks like Trump is on his way to make good on his campaign intention, and according to my predictions… What a bummer for Obama and his handlers, after all their efforts to the contrary!

“Notice one crucial difference between two photos, the difference that made the Kiev junta very upset? Is it that Trump thought it was too much trouble to get up for Ukraine FM Klimkin? Is Klimkin bending, as if receiving orders from the big boss? Feel the difference…

“WHY TRUMP MET WITH LAVROV… Foreign Ministries of Russia and US are preparing the first meeting between Trump and Putin, which most likely will take place during the upcoming G20 in Germany… Obama admin purposely left much baggage behind in Russia-US relations so to complicate as much as possible the first steps of Trump admin. That baggage first needs to be sorted out, before the meeting can take place.

“Following Tillerson Moscow visit, Lavrov was in DC also to begin shaping up the terms and tone of the US-Russia relations for the upcoming Trump years. This, of course, includes Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine… Russia has offered US some face-saving good deals on participation in Syria, albeit a very controlled participation… As I predicted all along… in exchange, US will need to slowly withdraw from Ukraine, Moldova and some other Eurasian areas…

“WHY TRUMP MET WITH UKRAINE’S KLIMKIN… The entire Kiev junta, including Poroshenko, MSM, high level officials and politicians rooted for Hillary and mocked Trump during his campaign… After Trump won, Poroshenko and entire Kiev establishment promptly flip-flopped and began kissing Trump’s behind…

“The latest intel: Washington lobbyists were paid $400,000 [by Canada] to make sure Klimkin is allowed in Trump’s presence. The audience lasted 6 minutes. During it, Trump merely uttered that ‘Minsk agreements have to be fulfilled and Ukraine has to make up with neighbors.’ That was the end of the meeting.

“…why did Trump agree to receive Klimkin?… 1. To appease Russia-hating MSM, hawks in Congress and all over US, who’d immediately jump on it… 2. To deliver the message,… US is preparing to disengage from Ukraine… Kiev… needs to toe the line and fulfil the unfulfillable Minsk agreements.

“…a proof of the slow unraveling of the disastrous US – Ukraine entanglement is already here: US Congress voted to slash American financing of Ukraine, including military financing, by 70%.”


Lada Ray analysis: @realDonaldTrump tweet on Russia and Ukraine causes Twitter storm


A very admirable sentiment from #POTUS Donald Trump that peace needs to be made between Russia /Donbass and Ukraine. I couldn’t agree more. Looks like Trump is on his way to make good on his campaign intention, and according to my predictions here and also here.

USA wants to slowly and secretly distance itself from Ukraine, while attempting to save face. What a bummer for Obama and his handlers, after all their efforts to the contrary!

This alone was enough to cause a major Internet storm. But it gets better!


May 11

Notice one crucial difference between two photos, the difference that made the Kiev junta very upset?

Is it that Trump thought it was too much trouble to get up for Ukraine FM Klimkin? Is Klimkin bending, as if receiving orders from the big boss?

Feel the difference…


Foreign Ministries of Russia and US are preparing the first meeting between Trump and Putin, which most likely will take place during the upcoming G20 in Germany. Several countries competed to host the first Trump – Putin meeting, including Finland, Germany and Austria. Obama admin purposely left much baggage behind in Russia-US relations so to complicate as much as possible the first steps of Trump admin. That baggage first needs to be sorted out, before the meeting can take place.

This is one of the reasons Angela Merkel flew to Sochi to see Putin on May 2, after she saw Trump: to sort through the past, get a firm confirmation that the historic meeting will indeed take place and see if she could get more indication on its terms.

Merkel also came to bring to Putin that proverbial olive branch. After all, she will stand for re-election later this year. In her mind it’s time to mend relations with Russia, but not because she means it. No – in order to ensure that the new US and EU bogeyman, ‘the Russian hackers,’ won’t ‘interfere’ in German elections. 

Read more: Vladimir Putin Schools Merkel on Geopolitics and Democracy (+ Russian Gas Update).

Following Tillerson Moscow visit, Lavrov was in DC also to begin shaping up the terms and tone of the US-Russia relations for the upcoming Trump years. This, of course, includes Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine.

Lately, US has been excluded from various global decisions and forums, such as the Minsk forum on Ukraine or the Astana forum on Syria and Middle East. The latest is the exclusion of the US from the big China summit.

Russia has offered US some face-saving good deals on participation in Syria, albeit a very controlled participation. US is also concerned that Russian influence in Afghanistan and Iraq is increasing, while USA’s is waning. That has also factored into negotiations. As I predicted all along, per the Kissinger Plan, in exchange, US will need to slowly withdraw from Ukraine, Moldova and some other Eurasian areas (learn all about it in Lada Ray Webinar below!).

Recommended Webinar, ESR and articles to gain a full picture and to familiarize yourself with Lada Ray predictions:



Russians tricked us! US MSM has only itself to blame for being excluded from Trump-Lavrov Meeting

Trump and US Syria Attack: Hate to Say I Told You So!




The entire Kiev junta, including Poroshenko, MSM, high level officials and politicians rooted for Hillary and mocked Trump during his campaign. Poroshenko personally initiated a scandal as a result of which Trump had to fire his campaign manager last August. After Trump won, Poroshenko and entire Kiev establishment promptly flip-flopped and began kissing Trump’s behind. I am NOT exaggerating – if anything, I am toning it down!

The latest intel: Washington lobbyists were paid $400,000 to make sure Klimkin is allowed in Trump’s presence. The audience lasted 6 minutes. During it, Trump merely uttered that ‘Minsk agreements have to be fulfilled and Ukraine has to make up with neighbors.’ That was the end of the meeting.

P.S. Latest: the $400,000 lobbyist fee was put up for Ukraine by… Canada.

So, why did Trump agree to receive Klimkin? It’s 2-fold:

1. To appease Russia-hating MSM, hawks in Congress and all over US, who’d immediately jump on it: why is he talking to Lavrov, but not to Ukraine FM?

2. To deliver the message, understood by those who need to understand it: US is preparing to disengage from Ukraine. And if Kiev doesn’t want to be left entirely in the cold, it needs to toe the line and fulfil the unfulfillable Minsk agreements.

In fact, a proof of the slow unraveling of the disastrous US – Ukraine entanglement is already here: US Congress voted to slash American financing of Ukraine, including military financing, by 70%. As a special provision, the document stipulates that whatever financing will still be provided, it cannot be used to finance the regiment Azov and other ukro-nazi ragiments and battalions. The slow squeezing of the hard-core Ukraine Nazis and radicals has begun.

This is only the beginning – more to come between 2017 and 2018!

To read comprehensive analysis on Ukraine and Novorossia GO TO ALL EARTH SHIFT REPORTS.

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