Daily Archives: April 30, 2017

Gizmodo.com 4-24-17… “Bill Nye Spends Most of His New Netflix Show Yelling at the Audience” (and telling people the many ways to have sex with ice cream!)

[Kp update: one more article I found was this one, where a quote from that reads, “Between Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s Rachel Bloom performing a song about gender to Nye’s “preachy” stance on anti-vaxxers, there are no shortage of reasons people have … Continue reading

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Victurus Libertas 4-30-17… “EXCLUSIVE Robert David Steele ‘Weekly State of the Union Address’ Pilot – Feedback Requested”

Well, it appears VL is going to have a weekly state of union report, just as Louisa and Kent are doing their own weekly POTUS report. I like this idea, and intend to support it because of the information it … Continue reading

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Illuminations from the “Light of Sather” (Jordan, that is) 4-30-17… “Is the MSM Seeding Our Consciousness Or Toying With It??”

Another fine news type summary by Jordan. And I just noticed that Jordan “volunteered” to be Trump’s “Secretary of Disclosure”. (and hey, if you like him, here’s how to support him! PayPal, Patreon). . [youtube=https://youtu.be/3n_fTHOHmP4&w=550] https://youtu.be/3n_fTHOHmP4 Published on Apr 30, … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 4-30-17… “Faith of the Heart”

A new Poofness / Susan / Zap report. The last two highlight sentences from Poof are absolutely “right on (baby)”, from my view. One point I will make here is that although a lot of these may seem repetitive, there … Continue reading

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GoldFish Report No. 92 [4-20-17]… “POTUS First 100 DAYS Legacy with Kent Dunn”

Here’s a new Goldfish report with Kent and Louisa, which I am listening to right now. The value of this one, for me, was the information about what the Trump has accomplished in the first 100 days, and “The significance … Continue reading

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KP Note about FaceBook friend requests and future FaceBook posts…

I’m going to begin opening up most of my FB posts to everyone (as I formerly did). We’ll just see how that goes. I reserve the freedom to remove any “off color” (aka, “low vibration”) comments. Friend requests got to … Continue reading

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