Daily Archives: April 26, 2017

170426 Journey for Some Reason or Other 6… Walk back through Pele’s Hairs

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=O465kkUJqR8]

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170426 Journey for Some Reason or Other 6… Message and Ceremony

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=TdSbdKyNq-Y]

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170426 Journey for Some Reason or Other 5… Halema’uma’u, baby!!

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170426 Journey for Some Reason or Other 4… Edge of Kīlauea, baby!!

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170426 Journey for Some Reason or Other 3

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=xtZ4EgMo80M]

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170426 Journey for Some Reason or Other 2

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=VvDB3aMehZs]

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170426 Journey for Some Reason or Other 1

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=8xSxOeq31yM]

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GaiaPortal 4-26-17… “Plenary submissions are in order”

New GaiaPortal update. Two words… Plenary means “full; complete in all respects”. And Farbenheit is apparently a German word, meaning “color”. Perhaps refers to new frequencies entering the planet. Anyway, I like this one!! For further interpretations, I suggest checking … Continue reading

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HighImpactFlix 4-26-17… “You Won’t Believe ANYTHING on Cable News After Seeing THIS!” (great compilation of false flagginess videos)

Wow… this is possibly one of those to send to anybody, to help them wake up to how false flag videos are produced, and used by the GSM (Garbage Stream Media) to promote their narratives. A selections from a couple … Continue reading

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Illuminations from the “Light of Sather” (Jordan, that is) 4-26-17… “Antarctic Markings Discovered, Snowden Tweets, Electric Anomalies @ North Pole”

Another “illuminative” from Jordan. He and his presentations have now become one of my favorite “news sources” (and hey, if you like him, support him! PayPal, Patreon). . [youtube=https://youtu.be/pZ5q5wUI1-Y&w=550] https://youtu.be/pZ5q5wUI1-Y Published on Apr 26, 2017 April 26th, 2017 Situation Report … Continue reading

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Message from Matthew 4-23-17… “North Korea, missile test; protests, vibrations; anger; karma completion; schoolhouse Earth; helpers from other civilizations”

A new Matthew message. Several points rang with me, and these are below. Particularly the ones speaking of assistance with “all that crap” that has been going on with this planet, and of viewing so-called “ETs” as part of our … Continue reading

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