Daily Archives: April 24, 2017

Kp Message 4-24-17… “Why I’m Here… Right Now”

Sometimes I put a title in that title bar up there, and then get writing something and it has nothing to do with the title. Then I’ll finally change the title to get it so it “fits” the article. Now … Continue reading

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Enlightenment Videos 2 of 2… Jordan Sather 4-24-17… “The Science of Ascension – A Quantum Solar Shift”

I watched a tad of this one, and I simply know it’s great information packaged in a very “neat” way, as Jordan does so well. Here’s what Tiffany Fontenot had to say (from this FB post): “Jordan hits it outta … Continue reading

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Enlightenment Videos 1 of 2… James Gilliland 4-23-17… “Taking Calls; Trump, GCR, the Republic, Technologies”

All I will say about this is that I started watching and have about half of it to go. He discusses some of the energy work he has been doing around the planet. I felt it was “asking” to be … Continue reading

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170424 Drive home through Waikoloa Message HI DEF

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=WrtpWKF1xCc]

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170424 Drive home through Waikoloa View

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Lada Ray FT 4-21-17… “The Plot Thickens! Who’ll Win French Presidential Election: Marine Le Pen, Macron, Fillon or Melenchon?”

This article by Lada Ray goes along with this prior Kp blog post. From Lada’s information (and this InfoWars video) it appears that Macron is the “young and dashing” Rothschild shill, who, perhaps similar to Justin Trudeau, may be “A … Continue reading

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About “Cobra = Cabal” and all that “Holy Crap”!!

[Kp note: a short Cobra statement is at the end.] Cobra posted an update a couple days ago. So I read it, posted it, and then paid no more attention to it. But then another article (henceforth called, “other article”) … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 4-24-17… “We must all push to make sure the criminal US corporate government is shut down on May 1st”

New weekly report from Ben. Fascinating information about the key role of the Knights of Malta. “…multiple independent sources are all saying something huge might happen on May 1st. In the corporate propaganda media this is the day when a … Continue reading

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RT 4-23-17… “French election 2017: Macron and Le Pen advance to presidential run off” (plus one more) (or, “How do you choose between a writing instrument and a diacritical mark???))

[Kp note: although I’ll likely post this separately at some point, some may wish to read Lada Ray’s read on the French elections, particularly her quantum calibrations of each candidate.] Well, that end bit came after I looked up the … Continue reading

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