Daily Archives: April 20, 2017

Three Mark Dice Videos related to “Fake News”

Okay, here’s a few Mark Dice videos that continue to demonstrate how the MSM twists and/or manipulates stories, photos, etc., to suit their “newsline” (usually, implying “Trump is bad”). Hilarious, as always. Kid Yells “Fake News” to CNN Reporter Live … Continue reading

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Illuminations from “The Sather Light” (Jordan’s, that is) 4-14,20-17… “Trump & Putin… Trolling The World Right Now” TWO VIDEO

[Kp add-on note: Holy Crap! The 4-15 video has 37,632 views! Jordan’s ‘big time’, baby!] Here’s a couple more Jordan Sather videos (https://www.facebook.com/destroyingtheillusion; YouTube page) which I see as greatly illuminating what’s going on. As I mentioned in the last … Continue reading

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Illuminations from “The Sather Light” (Jordan’s, that is) 4-19-17… “The Schumann Resonance Bursts and Affects on Human Consciousness” VIDEO

Okay, I’m listening to another Jordan Sather (https://www.facebook.com/destroyingtheillusion; YouTube page). He is currently one of my “Enlighteners” (aka, “teachers”). He’s putting together some great educational videos, in a very POSITIVE Light. So the phrase above came to me (and it … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 4-20-17… “Mid-week Report”

Here is Zap’s mid-week update. Note that I personally do not line up with his earth changes “tsunami is coming” implication, which is in the highlights. Bottom line, follow Inner Guidance… each will know if to do, what to do, … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-17-17… “Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 stopped in Syria and in North Korea”

[Kp note: Benjamin passed along this message to all who donated to him and his team: “Thanks again to all of you. It is a lifesaver.” Please note that all the funds collected have been sent to him, and for … Continue reading

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