Daily Archives: April 19, 2017

Kp Message 4-19-17… “Using that ‘Higher Discernment'” and “Staying in alignment with that ‘Higher Self'”

I can tell you, I am essentially NOT caring or putting or investing any of my own energies (my “faith”, as it were) into anything that I read, or view on the YouTube, the internet tubes, or whatever. None. I … Continue reading

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Jon Rappoport 4-17-17, 4-19-17… Two articles about the FDA, including, “Shut down the FDA, start over”

Of course, we all know that all governmental agencies are set up with integrity and lack of bias (yeah, right). The FDA is one of those that clearly has been compromised, due to its population by ex-pharma directors and employees. … Continue reading

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170419 Kp Message… HI DEF “Stay in Alignment with ‘Higher Self'”

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=-H_Jgq7wNIo]

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170419 Kp Message… “Stay in Alignment with ‘Higher Self'”

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=YfxhT-XxQzc]

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Two recent posts from Benjamin Fulford (4-18-17)… “Henry Kissinger spotted at Florida military base trying to start World War 3” and “Would be patsy for fake Muslim terror attack in US asks for protection”

These are both quite short, so I post as is, with my own highlights in bold. I feel it is significant that Benjamin is trying to help one person who has refused to do the bidding of the cabal. ————————————————————– … Continue reading

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