Daily Archives: April 18, 2017

Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot of [Justin] Trudeau Answering Carbon Tax Question… (4-13-17) (or, “A Whole lot of ugly in a Good Looking wrapper”) (or, “It’s aboot time this PM gets exposed, eh?”)

I saw the title of this Guardian article somewhere (“Stop swooning over Justin Trudeau. The man is a disaster for the planet“), and then I recalled that Tiffany Fontenot had also done an extensive reverse speech analysis of Justin Trudeau, … Continue reading

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Victurus Libertas 4-18-17… “Dr. Cynthia McKinney: ‘Congress Is Nothing But Theatrics’ – VL Interview Part 2” (part 2 of 2)

Another (the second) part of the VL interview with Dr. McKinney. Very powerful message, in my view. At about 19 minutes, she addresses how the US has been educating many who came from other countries from around the world, and … Continue reading

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