Daily Archives: April 17, 2017

Office of Poofness 4-17-17… “He Arose”

A new Poofness / Susan / Zap report. This is kind of an Easter type message. One point I will make here is that although a lot of these seem repetitive, there are some parts of them which align with … Continue reading

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David Wilcock comments on Benjamin Fulford’s 4-17-17 article

[Kp note: I accidentally posted this early. So here we are again, with highlights this time.] [And, of course, it relates to this BF post.] Well, once again, we can all say, “Thank you David for these insights”. I believe … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 4-17-17… “Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 stopped in Syria and in North Korea”

[Kp note: some may wish to view David Wilcock’s comments on this at this Kp blog post.] New weekly report from Ben. “Now that Donald Trump showed his true colours as a Zionist (Khazarian mafia) sleeper agent, he is becoming … Continue reading

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