Daily Archives: April 6, 2017

GaiaPortal 4-7-17… “Treasons exposed, closings follow”

Now, just after posting all of the Syria posts, this comes out. No coincidence. This to me speaks of what the “Syria false-flag and subsequent attacks” were about… exposing the treasons (see these posts). For further interpretations, I suggest checking … Continue reading

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Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light, 3 of 3… “Please Hold the Planet in the Light”

. I do feel at this moment that it is of primary importance to hold the entire planet in the Light of Cleansing and Healing and Peace. Whatever that means for each. I strongly call for each, in their own … Continue reading

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Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light, 2 of 3… “This Image Sums it up Perfectly”

. This image sums it up perfectly (thanks to Merv)… (source).

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Hold the Light FOR Syria and Hold Syria IN the Light, 1 of 3… “The Data I’ve Seen so far” (or, the “I’m Feeling Pissed Off” part)

Holy Crap… when I heard/saw/found out about all of this, I truly felt extremely agitated… and yes, PISSED OFF. Can’t “the Trump” see this (the chemical weapons attacks) is clearly a FALSE FLAG (dammit)?????!!!!! Guaranteed Bashar Assad did not use … Continue reading

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Lada Ray, Futurist Trendcast 4-3-17… “Why St. Petersburg Metro Bombing Coincided with Putin – Lukashenko St. Pete Talks” (or, “One more CIA-funded false flag, anyone?”)

An excellent unveiling of the fuller picture behind the recent St. Petersburg events. One main reason I post these, is that it clarifies what is really going on behind the scenes, and who is funding all of this. We can … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-3-17… “US and Japan are close to civil war as Rockefeller death leaves power vacuum”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. “The power vacuum left by the death of David Rockefeller has created a situation that, if not diffused, will lead to civil war in the USA and Japan, CIA, Pentagon and Japanese military … Continue reading

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