Daily Archives: April 5, 2017

Deconstructing of THE USA CORP? 2 of 2… 4-4-17… “Trump Defunds the Agency responsible for Implementing the… Population Control Agenda of the United Nations” (plus a VIDEO by Dr. William Mount)

In this case, I found the article below via a web search after I watched the video, so I place the video first (listen to the first 3 minutes to get the gist). The cabal types, as I understand it, … Continue reading

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Deconstructing of THE USA CORP? 1 of 2… Aim4Truth.org / Millennium Report 4-5-17… “Steve Bannon Removed From Trump’s National Security Council”

Now, basically, all of these political appointee ins and outs I pay almost no attention to. There are always going to be shufflings and kicking outs of people. But my view of this is that whatever the NSC (National Security … Continue reading

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170405 Kp Message… “Liberty”

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=mfdpmfiUVdY]

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Kp Message 4-5-17… “Not involved at All”

A sense today that I could not “do” much. All I felt like was to rest and be “not involved at all” in the world situations. My deepest function here is working with the Energies of the planet, in the … Continue reading

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