Daily Archives: April 3, 2017

“The Truth About Vaccines”, 7-Day Docu-Series Begins April 12th

[Kp note: many thanks to all of you who provided the links for this upcoming series. Very much appreciated!!] I’m quite certain that many will be interested in viewing this docu-series, which was mentioned by Jordan in his video, which … Continue reading

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From Victurus Libertas, 4-3-17… “Ex-CIA Robert David Steele In Oslo – McCain, Graham, Rubio and Schumer Are All Being Blackmailed” (and a “Holy Crap exposure” of the theft (and expected return) of the Kingdom of Hawai’i (YES!!!!!!!!!!))

[Kp update 2: After the US presidential election was finished, I immediately “got” that one reason Donald Trump was elected is that it would lead to an initiation of processes to a) “drain the DC swamp” (whatever exactly that means), … Continue reading

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Mark Dice 4-3-17… “CNN (and a couple other MSMs) Interviews Fake Police Chief” (and how Howard Stern (and his okole) are the cause of many of the world’s disasters)

Another absolutely hilarious (well, to me, at least) Mark Dice exposure example of how the MSM is very subject to putting things out there without checking out their “first-hand” sources. Apparently this one man (Captain Janks) has been doing this … Continue reading

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David Wilcock, Corey Goode 4-2-17… “Disclosure, Cabal’s Defeat, Ancient Aliens & Inner Earth… CLE 2017” VIDEO (presentation from Conscious Life Expo 2017)

This is Part 2 from the Conscious Life Expo, Feb., 2017. Part 1 was posted here. . [youtube=https://youtu.be/mijN_QpZuJ0&w=600] https://youtu.be/mijN_QpZuJ0 Published on Apr 2, 2017 Corey Goode & David Wilcock present at the Conscious Life Expo in LA 2017. www.ComicDisclosure.com www.SphereBeingAlliance.com … Continue reading

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Kp Radio Hawaii 4-3-17… “Those Churning Energies of Upliftment”

Show link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kpradiohawaii/2017/04/03/kp-radio-hawaii-4-3-17-those-churning-energies-of-upliftment Talked about (among other things): Churning energies are here right now. Energies are transformative, trasmutative. All an inside job. Caring for own personal energy space. Like waves at Sandy Beach. Have fun with them. Kaulana Na Pua … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 4-3-17… “US and Japan are close to civil war as Rockefeller death leaves power vacuum”

New weekly report from Ben. “The power vacuum left by the death of David Rockefeller has created a situation that, if not diffused, will lead to civil war in the USA and Japan, CIA, Pentagon and Japanese military intelligence sources … Continue reading

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