Kp Message 4-2-17… “Enough Already!”

Right now I’m in a place-space-(whatever) where I just can’t look at one more article or FB post or YouTube or any other message that says this and that about this and that.

And “If you don’t do this, that will happen”, “But if you do that, this will happen”. And, by the way, “The world is falling apart, economy is going to crash, all is going to hell, so be afraid be very afraid and be sure to stock up food-water-this-that-this-that for (weeks / months / years / decades)”… Bull Burgers!!

I am not standing for this anymore. It’s time for the “fear porners” to be tossed into the trash bin… and that’s where they’re going to stay. At least in my own house.

People have been pushing those “doom and gloom” scenarios forever and ever. Yes, “stuff” is happening right now, and transformations-transmutations-trans-whatever-the-hell-else’s are going on, big time. But…

The fear porn crowd and the doom and gloom crowd are NOT part of my family. And never will be.

Enough already.

I AM the Light. I LIVE with the Light. And I BE the Light.

Enough said. Kp

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