Daily Archives: April 2, 2017

James Gilliland 3-28-17… “Self Mastery, Tools for Transcending the Ego and Healing Unseen Negative Influences”

This article by James may be helpful to many who are struggling with this right now. Please go to the original. Much of what occurs for me personally, is that I no longer try to “figure things out”, particularly using … Continue reading

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GoldFish Report No. 88 [4-2-17]… “POTUS Update Week 11 with Kent Dunn and Gary Larrabee”

Here’s a new Goldfish report with Kent and Louisa, and a special appearance by Gary Larrabee. Quite a bit of extremely interesting (namely, “weird and wonderful”) data in here, as always, so I suggest “take the best and leave the … Continue reading

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Jordan Sather 4-2-17, “Government Oversight Committee Now Officially Investigating CDC Whistleblower!” VIDEO (and it has to do with exposing CDC vaccine fraud)

This is an excellent and concise (so no excuse for not listening) video by Jordan on what’s happening in the exposure of the CDC and vaccine fraud. He mentioned something coming up (TV show?) about all this, beginning April 12, … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 4-2-17… “Tunnel”

A new Poofness / Susan / Zap report. Music lyrics and video link is at the end. [Kp note: I always take these “Poofnesses” as potential data. Does it “ring” true within (if it “rings” at all)?] [Office of Poofness … Continue reading

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Corey Goode 4-1-17… “Secret Space Programs, Aliens, Inner Earth Civilizations & Atlantis” VIDEO (presentation from Conscious Life Expo 2017)

This is Part 1 of Corey’s presentation at Conscious Life Expo, Feb., 2017, “Return of the Guardians. I’ve yet to view this, but I am quite sure there is a lot of helpful data here for many. If it is … Continue reading

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GaiaPortal 4-2-17… “Haverlots coalesce and concentrate assets for humanity”

“Haverlots”… perhaps this has something to do with “Havers” (those who Have) and Lots, i.e., those who “have a lot”, who are coming together to help humanity. For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub. —————————————————— … Continue reading

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Kp Message 4-2-17… “Enough Already!”

Right now I’m in a place-space-(whatever) where I just can’t look at one more article or FB post or YouTube or any other message that says this and that about this and that. And “If you don’t do this, that … Continue reading

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