Monthly Archives: March 2017

Lightworkers… Having an energetic ‘challenge’?… then call on “Intense Rainbow Kitty Angel”

. Sent to me by Tracy. Perfect (purrfect) for those tough to remove energetic challenges. [Caution: Not to be used on other people’s energetic challenges… just your own!]

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Victurus Libertas 3-10-17… “Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN”

Personally, I am not surprised at any of this. But it is great to have an “insider” who shares this information. Of course, disscernment is advised, but I believe we can safely add yet another nickname for CNN… the “CIA … Continue reading

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Message from Mike Quinsey 3-10-17…

A new Mike Quinsey. A few of the parts that particularly “hit” me are in bold. Particularly I use caution and discernment regarding all data about “deliveries”, “packages”, “resets”, “RVs”, and all that. I like to remember that everything we … Continue reading

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David Oates 3-9-17 on Jeff Rense – “Explaining Trump’s negative Reverse Speech”

I’ve just finished listening to this. I know some may align with these “reverse speech” messages. I certainly do. There are some changes in tone from Donald Trump’s earlier reversals (prior to inauguration; see here1, here2), where they were mostly … Continue reading

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Kp Message 3-9-17… “Why am I even writing anything?”

That’s only a question I’m asking myself, at the moment. Today has felt like an extremely long day. And I felt a strong need to lie down at about 3 PM. So I did, for an hour or so. Yes … Continue reading

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James Corbett on North Korea… (one of those “Imaginary Villians” created by ??)

North Korea is one of those “Imaginary Villians” created by who knows who, probably Rothschilds/Rockefellers to keep the war machine going. And that country also goes along with ones like Iran, Syria, East Prusso-Moldaviakia and, of course, Russia, and all … Continue reading

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IntelDinarChronicles 3-7-17… “Prayers for Gary Larrabee”

[Update from DA, who sent this report from E: “1 day ago… Update on Gary…He is doing well and we hope to spring him from the hospital tomorrow. He will come home with us for a week or so until … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 3-9-17… “Mid-week Report”

Here is Zap’s mid-week update. Note that there also was an earlier status report, regarding RV/GCR, and assistance needed, some may wish to read. “…THERE IS NOW A SORT OF A BACKLASH TO THE WHOLE MEDIA/DEMOCRATS VS TRUMP THING, AND … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 3-6-17… “Desperate counter attack by Satanic mafia failing on all fronts as human liberation nears”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Major “stuff” is happening, that’s for sure. This is why all of us are here, as Light players in this great Planetary play… the final act is going down, now. “We are witnessing … Continue reading

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Cobra Interview 3-7-17… “Interview with Cobra from Russia (March 2017)”

I found this interview transcript very fascinating and illuminating. Several highlights are below. Strongly recommended, from my view. “Question: Russian astronauts were telling that they were experiencing strange sensations on orbit: they’ve heard some sounds and even music, had some … Continue reading

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Cobra 3-7-17… “Two Cobra Interviews”

I’m posting this short “interview update”, and am going to publish separately the second link below (“interview by the Russian Prepare For Change team“). I found several of the questions and comments about Russia very fascinating. Two Cobra Interviews You … Continue reading

More Galleries | 10 Comments 3-7-17… “Airbus reveals a modular, self-piloting flying car concept”

This seems like such a great idea, and it goes along with what Corey Goode and David Wilcock talked about in the latest Cosmic Disclosure (transcript is here). They mentioned something like this, where eventually the quad props would be … Continue reading

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CNN = “Comedy News Network”? Sure looks like it… Mark Dice 3-8-17… “CNN Cuts Feed of Congressman After He Reveals Facts About Refugees”

This one is absolutely hilarious!! Watch for the “CNN Rainbow” whenever they cut someone off. I guess instead of giving guests the “middle finger”, CNN gives them the “Rainbow finger”!! How wonderful! What I enjoyed about this one by Mark … Continue reading

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Kp Message 3-8-17… “Light for Those at the Front Lines” (and that includes Donald Trump)

So I’m up here at about 0250 HST, and my mind has been glimpsing the major transformations going on right now. For the planet, yes, but particularly for the country known as the United States of America. Which is rapidly … Continue reading

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Sheldan Nidle Update 3-7-17…

Another latest Sheldan update. “All is going extremely well. The dark is becoming shell shocked, as it is quite apparent that its supposed victory is quickly fading away. The dark cabal is now racing in vain to somehow preserve what … Continue reading

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#Vault7… Three Videos about this “#Vault7 deal”… (David Seaman, Mark Dice, Alex Jones)

[Note: this is related to this prior post.] Choose your flavor below. Of course, many of us have known about things like this. As David Seaman points out, however, how many BILLIONS (trillions?) of dollars have been spent by the … Continue reading

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#Vault7… 3-7-17… “A Couple of RT’s about the latest Wikileaks release” (as if we didn’t already know all this!)

I’ve posted a couple of RTs about this #Vault7 business. There’s tonnes of articles out about it, I’m sure. I’ll add a couple of short videos I’ve watched, in the next post. The implications about the infamous “Russia hacked the … Continue reading

More Galleries | 10 Comments 3-7-17… “UN experts denounce ‘myth’ pesticides are necessary to feed the world”

Looks like this report is opening some avenues to eliminate these pesticides. “The idea that pesticides are essential to feed a fast-growing global population is a myth, according to UN food and pollution experts. A new report, being presented to … Continue reading

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Kp Message 3-6-17… “Why am I not concerned?”

There’s so much going on these days (and moments), and when I actually read some of the articles, comments, videos, etc., etc., etc., out there, it seems that many are presenting an energy that says something like, “Well it may … Continue reading

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GaiaPortal 3-6-17… “External evidences are no longer necessary for those who question”

I don’t yet have a full understanding of this one. But the first line seems to imply that answers to “questions” are being found more and more within those who have the questions. For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie … Continue reading

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Something “Goode” has just arrived on the Big Island…

. Yes, Corey and family have arrived for their Big Island adventures… Just about 60 minutes ago. And they even brought a couple from Jupiter!! (Florida, that is) They’ll be here for Joan Ocean’s dolphin swim class, and surely doing … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 3-6-17… “Desperate counter attack by Satanic mafia failing on all fronts as human liberation nears”

New weekly report from Ben. Major “stuff” is happening, that’s for sure. This is why all of us are here, as Light players in this great Planetary play… the final act is going down, now. “We are witnessing desperate attempts … Continue reading

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Clif High on the Greg Hunter show 3-4-17… “Chaos Starts Middle of March”

[Kp note: I just noticed Clif’s logo, which appears to be a crow. Kind of aligns with all the recent posts from First time I recall seeing that logo. I like it!] [And about halfway through there is a … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 3-5-17… “Let There Be Peace On Earth”

A new Poofness / Susan / Zap report. Music lyrics and video link is at the end. [Kp note: I always take these “Poofnesses” as potential data. Does it “ring” true within (if it “rings” at all)?] [Office of Poofness … Continue reading

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Victurus Libertas 3-5-17… “As Promised By Our DHS Insider – FBI ANON Resurfaces!”

Felt this needed to go out right away. Would like to find out more about what this “FBI Anon” is (according to this post it is an “FBI insider”), but no matter what, what this discloses certainly lines up with … Continue reading

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170305 Sunset Clouds Driving home (from Hāpuna)

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Darrin McBreen, Infowars 3-4-17… “…MSM Caught Making Fake News Websites” (and no, it’s not Alex Jones)

I rather enjoyed this (short) Infowars exposure video. The primary message is in the first 6.5 minutes. The rest is a “rah rah Trump” video clips (likely followed by a few “rah rah Infowars” ads). Take the best, leave the … Continue reading

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GoldFish Report No. 82 [3-5-17]… “POTUS Update Week 7 with Kent Dunn”

Here’s a new Goldfish with Kent and Louisa. As always, I suggest “take the best and leave the rest”. GoldFish Report N0. 82 Week 7 POTUS Review with Kent Dunn Published on March 5, 2017 On GoldFish Report No. 82 … Continue reading

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Even more Regarding “The Energies”… from a Crow (caws, that is) 3-3-17… “Triple Goddess Venus /Retrograde: March 4, 2017 and the Weekend Astrological Forecast”

Some excellent insights from Tracy (well, the Crow, actually). “One thing I found out common among all the posts and info I read was that Venus is called the Triple Goddess….triple, because of the the 3 areas Venus affects: Money, … Continue reading

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Regarding “The Energies”… Jack (the horse) 3-3-17… “Trial by Fire”

Thanks to Alia for sending this to me. Relates to this recent post, and this one. Very illuminating, for myself, at least, about the current energetic environment. And what to anticipate in 2017. Also, her (actually, Jack’s) reading of Donald … Continue reading

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