Monthly Archives: March 2017

170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 5… the venue, containing The Cosmic Crowd

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170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 4 The Cosmic Crowd


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170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 3 Before things start


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170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 2 Beverly, Kp, Corey, and his foot

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170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 1 Beverly, Kp, and Corey

. …regarding his foot, wait for it….

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Benjamin Fulford 3-12-17 interview with Taj & Nyssa, on “The Divine Truth, on Revolution Radio” (includes extensive information about (and ‘de-fear-porning’ of) Fukushima event)

Well, I’m listening to this at the moment, and found the first ~15 minutes of the show were very unveiling about Fukushima. Ben says that much of the information put out about high radiation levels around, and emanating from, Fukushima, … Continue reading

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More CNN anti-News… Mark Dice 3-14-17… “CNN Cuts Feed of Obamacare Victims Explaining Problems with Current Healthcare Laws”

Related to this prior post, I found this quite hilarious. CNN seems to be the epitome of MSM propaganda, and info-censoring. They appear to be working quite “hard” at it. Another “rainbow finger” appears in this one. CNN Cuts Feed … Continue reading

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Sheldan Nidle Update 3-14-17… (Holy crap, it’s a short one!!)

Another latest Sheldan update. Very short. “The Galactic Federation’s liaisons are working daily to ensure that all unfolds as close to the proper dates as is divinely possible. Heaven assures us that all the steps necessary to bring the RV … Continue reading

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GaiaPortal 3-14-17… “Light establishments are expanded”

Sounds like the Light is expanding, and my “get” from this is that the “establishments” of Light are getting larger, both without and within. For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub. —————————————————— Light establishments are … Continue reading

More Galleries | 12 Comments 1-31-17… “Tesla kills the duck with big batteries” (and, no, it is not about “ducks being killed”)

First of all, “the duck” is the shape of the curve, shown below. And this is one of the major steps toward the (eventual) introduction of “free energy” type devices. My personal vision is to eliminate this (BS) thing called … Continue reading

More Galleries | 11 Comments… “Annie’s Sells Out to GMO Giant General Mills. Here’s What You’re Not Being Told”

This is something I’m sure many will want to pay attention to… the selling out of “organic companies” to GMO giants, like General Mills. I know there is an app called “Buycott” which I have used in the past, to … Continue reading

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Vicki Batts, Natural News 3-11-17… “Are we witnessing the fall of Whole Foods?” (…and the rise of “Organic Costco”)

This article is more about the benefits of shopping at Costco for organics, and why people are turning to Costco. For myself, I always look for the “green signs” that mean “it’s organic”, and recently, I was thrilled to buy … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 3-13-17… “Taiwan Ascension Conference Report”

Thanks to Kathy for the heads up on this. There is some great news reported in here. And regarding the Schumann resonance uptick, Kamil on FB had pointed this out, writing, “The Earth is waking up!”. “Our Ascension conference was … Continue reading

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James Gilliland [3-11-17] ~ “Esoterics of Trump’s Presidency, Giants, Reset” VIDEO

Some may enjoy this presentation by James which covers several topics. . [youtube=] Published on Mar 13, 2017 * There is some sort of hum on James audio from Saturday night. Sorry about the irritation, I hope it’s manageable! … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 3-12-17… “Long Train Runnin'”

A new Poofness / Susan / Zap report. Music lyrics and video link is at the end. [Kp note: I always take these “Poofnesses” as potential data. Does it “ring” true within (if it “rings” at all)?] [Office of Poofness … Continue reading

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Infowars video 3-12-17… “Saturday Night Live’s Attack on Trump/Alex Backfires!” (excellent analysis of how MSM uses “comedy” outlets as propaganda)

Although I enjoy comedy, and I’ve loved SNL, there is a lot being shown out there on MSM that essentially uses comedy as an outlet for propaganda… pushing an agenda. This video by Alex Jones (and he pretty much stays … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 3-13-17… “World Freemasons gather in Tokyo to select new leader and golden age dawns”

New weekly report from Ben. More fascinating “stuff” is happening, that’s for sure. “The world’s freemasons are gathering in Tokyo this week and next to select a new world grandmaster, according to Japanese military intelligence. The meetings will start this … Continue reading

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So what happens to Corey on 3-12-17, one day after “Antarctic” Atlantis video comes out?

A broken foot. Hmmm… Synchronicity? Negative greeting-icity? “Holy crap, I’m in Hawai’i”-icity? I’m not sure if this happened on 3-11 or 3-12, but in any event, it happened. And right as the Antarctic Atlantis video was released. Each FB post … Continue reading

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David Wilcock Update 3-11-17… “New Movie-Length Video: The Antarctic Atlantis [MUST SEE!!]”

This is the article David posted yesterday, and goes with the video released yesterday (Kp blog post). I’ve only posted text below, so for those wanting to see the images and links, please go to the original article. For those … Continue reading

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Victurus Libertas 3-10-17… “VL’s Pentagon Insider Reveals All in a Q & A” (plus video)

More potentially “shocking” news here (if you are in a mindset that is “shockable”). See if this resonates with you. As in the previous VL, I am certainly not surprised by any of this information. VL also made a video … Continue reading

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GoldFish Report No. 83 [3-12-17]… “POTUS Update Week 8 with Kent Dunn”

Here’s a new Goldfish with Kent and Louisa. As always, I suggest “take the best and leave the rest”. GoldFish Report N0. 83 Week 8 POTUS Review with Kent Dunn Published on March 12, 2017 On GoldFish Report No 83, … Continue reading

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David Seaman 3-11-17… “Donald Trump is the Real Deal” (and a few other things) (from his bed)

This is a short video from David (who was highlighted in one short part of DW/Corey’s recent video (Kp blog post)). And it is refreshing to see someone making a video lying in bed! Just like I’ve done a few … Continue reading

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Four (+) Reasons I am living here…

. The wonderfully gold colors of these birds are a continual reminder that we are all part of the energetic “Gold standard” that is here right now. Flap your wings and fly with the Gold!! (and, yes, all these birds … Continue reading

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170311 Drive from Hāpuna Sunset

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Victurus Libertas 3-11-17… “Our Latest… Contact With CNN Insider”

First of all, I took out a “T word” (not Trump) from the title, as I’m not putting any emotional energy to all this like their title does. But see if this resonates with you. I am certainly not surprised … Continue reading

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David Wilcock and Corey Goode 3-11-17… “The Antarctic Atlantis” VIDEO (just released!!)

[Update, 40 minutes in: this is quite fantastic! (from my view). And I probably got up at 8 AM (usually I’m up at 10-11 AM) in order to watch this. The production value is very high. And I’ve sent the … Continue reading

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Kp Radio Hawaii 3-11-17… “Holy Crap! It’s like an Energetic Popcorn Popper!!”

Show link: Talked about (among other things): Fukushima Remembrance. Popcorn popper… popping starts slowly, then ramps up. Just like we are now. Trump reversals are now often incongruent… very important… He’s seeing how deep the cesspool is in DC … Continue reading

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RT 3-9-17… “Malware expert says ‘fingerprint’ switch shows past attacks blamed on Russia, China are work of CIA” (plus 2 videos)

This is a bit more data on the now famous “Vault 7” release. A couple other posts on this are viewable here. I’ve added two videos at the end. One is the Assange announcement, the second is one where he … Continue reading

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Fukushima 3-11-11 remembrance, “Prayer for Fukushima” (benefits Fukushima Kids)

I felt it was important to post the events being held on the Big Island in remembrance of Fukushima event of 3-11-11. Yumi Kikuchi and Gen Morita are holding these events here, but I feel it is important for all … Continue reading

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Business Insider 3-9-17… “Tesla is powering the Hawaiian island of Kauai with more than 54,000 solar panels and its giant battery packs”

I see this as potentially a great idea for the smaller islands (including possibly Big Island). The comment I made on the video (at end) was “a great place for these would be on the west side (Kekaha). And particularly … Continue reading

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