Monthly Archives: March 2017

RT (and Reuters, NYP, etc., etc.) 3-20-17… “Billionaire banker David Rockefeller dies aged 101”

We’ve known (perhaps all of us, maybe some of us) that many of these cabal types would be disappearing. And of course this one was 101 years old (but you know, clones may have been made, he may have ended … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 3-20-17… “Rothschilds surrender US Corporation bankrupt USA Republic accepts shared human destiny”

New weekly report from Ben. I’d say the most surprising (maybe not) part is the news about Tillerson. I will be addressing how to help Benjamin (who has had his PayPal account and income frozen) in a separate post (I … Continue reading

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Kp Message 3-20-17… “The Energies, the Equinox, the ‘Equal Knocks’, and a few other things”

So I’m here now, and I probably will finish this after 12 midnight, so I’d better change the date to 3-20 (been there, done that). I’m sensing some very “joyously ebullient” energies flying around in here (within my own BEingness), … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 3-19-17… “Two Worlds”

A new Poofness / Susan / Zap report. Music lyrics and video link is at the end. [Zap gave a super long link, so I just picked one of the video links.] [Kp note: I always take these “Poofnesses” as … Continue reading

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GoldFish Report No. 84 [3-19-17]… “POTUS Update Week 9 with Kent Dunn”

Here’s a new Goldfish with Kent and Louisa. As always, I suggest “take the best and leave the rest”. GoldFish Report N0. 84 Week 9 POTUS Review with Kent Dunn Published on March 19, 2017 On GoldFish Report No 84, … Continue reading

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Jon Rappoport 3-18-17… “Trump is challenging the whole CIA-media nexus”

Very “unveiling” article by Jon. Although most reading this are likely aware of some of this, I do believe there is much more exposure to come. And it also indicates what the Trump team is up against. Found this at … Continue reading

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Kp Radio Hawaii 3-19-17… “Apocalyptic Energies up the Yin Yang!!”

[Kp update: click to view meaning for “Up the Yin Yang“.] Show link: Talked about (among other things): Major energetic event… I defrosted my refrigerator! Apocalyptic energies exposure. Corey Goode injury. Benjamin Fulford update. Covered a few messages I’ve … Continue reading

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GaiaPortal 3-18-17… “Patriarchals balance with the Cosmic Feminine”

[Kp note: pardon… the original post had the incorrect links.] To me, this is rather self-explanatory. Very upward moving. For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub. —————————————————— Patriarchals balance with the Cosmic Feminine Patriarchals balance … Continue reading

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Gary Larrabee… “He’s back, baby!!”… a couple of his “just back” videos, and one with Kent Dunn (on 3-18-17)…

Recalling this prior post, it was great to see Gary back on his YouTube horse again. As I mentioned before, he reaches many people who can relate to him, and is a valuable resource for many, in my view. The … Continue reading

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Foster Gamble, Thrive Movement, 2-25-17… “An Encouraging Look Forward”

Since this is from Foster Gamble, I felt it was a somewhat “independent” (of political, etc., stances) view of what’s going on in this world as we move forward, and upward. This is, in my view, a very powerful message. … Continue reading

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170318 View from the Drive Home…

. Notice the Kwanyin violet light in the upper middle…

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Kp Message 3-18-17 0020 HST…”So what are ‘The Energies’ like?”… Blazing… “And how do I feel about them in this now moment?”… I feel like crap!! (but that has passed)

So that title is really long so maybe I won’t have to write so much. But I have felt rather “blasted” by the “blazing-ness” of the energies on the planet right now. Personally, I know I’m also going through some … Continue reading

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Jordan Sather, Destroying the Illusion 3-16-17… “Is David Wilcock a lying sack of disinformation, or is he an all-knowing harbinger of truth?”

[Kp update: btw DW posted this on his FB page, and added these comments: “Someone just sent me this video from Jordan Sather… and he totally gets it. I am not concerned with the hate as anyone who has any … Continue reading

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Robert David Steele interviewed by “Two-Stones”… “Sacha Stone” and “Sean Stone”

The first video (with Sacha Stone) I thought was an excellent, well-edited video summary of the major points Robert David Steele has been making about the current situation in the US government. Short and very “to the point”. The second … Continue reading

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Dan Lyman, 3-17-17… “Trump Budget Director: ‘We’re Not Spending Money On Climate Change Anymore’”

All I feel like saying about this is, “It’s about time!!” This “climate change” business has opened up so much spending for the “climate change” corporations, et al, that it is great to see it being brought to a stop. … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford (URGENT) message 3-16-17… “The Japanese government is trying to murder me”

This came out last night, and I was not completely surprised, I suppose, as many in the Light/Illuminator community appear to be undergoing some types of “interference”, whether it’s with physical bodies, energetic, or, as in this case, financial. I … Continue reading

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Message from Mike Quinsey 3-17-17…

A new Mike Quinsey. Particularly I use caution and discernment regarding all data about “deliveries”, “packages”, “resets”, “RVs”, and all that. I like to remember that everything we need is within ourselves, and whatever we need is supplied as we … Continue reading

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Kp Message 3-17-17 0230 HST… “Who the hell cares how many timelines can fit on the head of a pin, anyway!!”

I knew I needed to go to bed (namely, lie down on side and use this iPhone thing) a few minutes ago, as I knew I’d be getting a message. Now, what that will be, we shall see. Actually, it … Continue reading

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170316 Solar Activation Download HI DEF (at Walmart parking lot)


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“Last Day in Hawai’i” message from Corey 3-16-17…

This is from a Corey FB post. Wanted to share on the blog. Update: My last day in Hawaii! Dr. Salla just left where I am staying after receiving about a 4 hour briefing on recent Intel. Much of this … Continue reading

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John McCain… still living in the Cold War (“Russia is the devil in everything and everyone”) days…

Get over it, John McCain… Holy Crap, is “Russia is behind everything” the only language you can use? I’m sure he is “controlled” big time, but for someone who appears to have been instrumental in starting and supporting Daesh (see … Continue reading

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170316 Solar Activation Download (at Walmart parking lot)


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170316 Kp Notes about yesterday’s Conference


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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 3-13-17… “World Freemasons gather in Tokyo to select new leader and golden age dawns”

Full weekly report from Ben. More fascinating “stuff” is happening, that’s for sure. “The world’s freemasons are gathering in Tokyo this week and next to select a new world grandmaster, according to Japanese military intelligence. The meetings will start this … Continue reading

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Office of Poofness 3-15-17… “Mid-week Report”

Here is Zap’s mid-week update. (Sorry, folks, but this message seems to be the same as many of the previous ones. Use discernment.) “BESIDES ALL THE RAMPANT RUMORS OUT THERE AS TO THE STATE OF THE CHANGES THAT ARE UPON … Continue reading

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170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 10 Andrew Basagio, Destination Mars

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170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 9 Dinner with Beverly at TK’s Noodle House

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170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 8 Everybody fawning over Corey…

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170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 7 Corey’s final slide

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170315 Birthing Whales & Multiverse 6… the venue containing The Cosmic Crowd

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