CNN = “Comedy News Network”? Sure looks like it… Mark Dice 3-8-17… “CNN Cuts Feed of Congressman After He Reveals Facts About Refugees”

This one is absolutely hilarious!! Watch for the “CNN Rainbow” whenever they cut someone off. I guess instead of giving guests the “middle finger”, CNN gives them the “Rainbow finger”!! How wonderful!

What I enjoyed about this one by Mark Dice, is that he strings together several video clips where CNN cut off people when they brought up certain topics. Talk about “out in the open censorship”. But the CNN (sometimes referred to as “Clinton News Network”, “Counterfeit News Network”, “Clown News Network”, etc.) does not seem to like any “out of bounds” answers.

This is so blatantly “in our faces” that I’m almost convinced they are doing it on purpose, to help wake people up to the fact that many of the MSM are propaganda channels… and that’s it!

Some may wish to view this behind the scenes footage of a 1990 fake “broadcast from Iraq war zone” by CNN. Amazing!!

Published on Mar 8, 2017
CNN had some ‘technical difficulties’ again, interestingly just a moment after Congressman Scott Taylor revealed some startling facts about the new Travel Ban and refugees who come to the United States. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

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