Notes and comments related to the last Kp message, “Energies Being ‘Sensed'”

161102_kp_kauai_p1010211_arm_to_sun_crop_150_1Mahalo to everyone who sent emails, and/or FB comments about the last post. I wanted to share a few of them here.

SJ: Thanks ~ apparently coming March 20th spring equinox.

GS: Resonates Kauilapele <3 Day '3' of a powerful influx. Collective (the layer not yet receiving it) will begin feeling it tomorrow for sure if its not already felt. Tsunami wave is a perfect analogy. It is unique energy.

ER: I just updated about this on the 1st actually. Specifically the original DNA incursion beginning to finalize healing. That information, or as you interpret it as HC energy is building into resonance as we speak. The 20th sounds about right. [check out this image from ER… and this FB message from ER.]

AC: Woke up this morning and read your post about the BIG WAVE of energy “out
there”on the ocean and I thought of this newsletter that I received Friday
from Jean Rockefeller (I don’t think she’s one of “those” Rockefellers) and
her horse companion, Jack the Watcher. Jack always lays it out straight up
and in the section titled “Quan Yin,” he speaks about four energy bump ups
this year — and we happen to be in one of them RIGHT NOW! Thought you
might enjoy this one. [link to article AC refers to] [and “Jack” is the name of the horse]

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