. Gluten free Lilikoi and chocolate muffins from Mana Market, channeled in by MaryAnne. Holy crap these were great!!! Along with Bruce’ barbecue chicken and Barbara’s Lightworker foods, Vibrations were lifted so high we were floating!!!
Daily Archives: February 8, 2017
Amazing group of High Vibration Beings currently on Maui 4
. L-R: The other half of James G., Jennifer (Master of her Light domain), Tom (Master of Plants and Fruit), Bruce (Light Master of Barbecue)
Amazing group of High Vibration Beings currently on Maui 3
. Vicki and James G (all of him, this time)… “Master Table Tippers”
Amazing group of High Vibration Beings currently on Maui 2
. L-R: Merv, MaryAnne, Barbara.
Amazing group of High Vibration Beings currently on Maui 1
. L-R: Kp, MaryAnne, Barbara, Vicki, half of James G.
170208 Ho’okipa Point walk HI DEF
[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=z4e1_XNrL4k]
A Matcha Latte at Honolulu Coffee in Pāia, Maui
. Made with sweet green tea (and milk, of course)… And green, like much of Maui…