GaiaPortal 8-31-16… “Meadows of Peace are Sown”

gaiaportal_logo252[Pardon… I posted the incorrect GaiaPortal link on first publishing this.]

Another fascinating GaiaPortal message. It implies that “hu-beings” (unawakened beings), all of them are experiencing “Surprises of Higher Consciousness”. Disclosure would also appear to be addressed here, as “Stellar connections are viewed and grasped”. Let’s go with that, baby!!

For those wanting more detailed interpretations, I suggest going to Rosalie Parker and/or Justin at SitsShow.


Meadows of Peace are Sown

Startled are they who view upon the Nova Gaia.

Surprises of Higher Consciousness are observed in all hu-beings.

Stellar connections are viewed and grasped.

Meadows of Peace are sown.

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