Kp Message 1-31-16… “Is it time for all of us to join FPA?” (Fear Porn Anonymous)

150731_kp_mauna_kea_sun_P1010142_crop_150_36You know, I see some of these internet-type postings, mostly on FaceBook, these days. And it’s really a bit challenging to read it all. Everything is going to “kill us, or maim us, or harm us, or change our DNA to reptilian, remove our freedoms, remove our sovereignty, start WWIII, WW4, WW79,…” and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on.

Give me a break!!!

I want to remind everyone that what we create (in the hologram called “Our world”) is up to US!! Individually and collectively. But from my view, at this moment, in this consciousness speck of time, there is only ONE thing that is important…


I mean, Holy Crap, does everything that my eyes might see “out there”, my ears might hear “out there”, my 3D senses might sense “out there”, have anything to do with what’s going on “in here”… in ME?

In the end (and maybe this is just for myself)… ABSOLUTELY NOT.

So tough noogies to anyone who tries to say I should not be…

  • Laughing at anything…
  • Going to Hapuna Beach and catching waves…
  • Having a mocha…
  • Playing slack-key guitar and singing Hawaiian songs…
  • Driving to the Kingdom of Hawai’i Volcanoes park…
  • Eating an occasional NON-organic, possibly GMO-containing, gluten-containing, non-vegan treat that just tastes fabulous…
  • Shopping in Wal-Mart (K-Mart, fill in your own store)…
  • Staying up until 3 AM and then getting up at noon…
  • …(feel free to add your own)…

…because I’m gonna do it anyway!

I’m gonna be who I BE at THIS moment, no matter whether any body, any thing, any government, any administration, any committee, any troller (even Oliver Troll), any culture, any etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., says or writes otherwise.

And that’s the way it is… (for me, at least).

Aloha, Kp


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