Kp Radio Hawaii 12-2-15… “Holy Crap, What a Day”

kp_radio_hawaii_header_snip_125Show link:

Talked about (among other things):

  • The Kp blog post, Holy Crap, What a Day.
  • Events of this morning… Intense “partners in contrast” appearances.
  • Holding the Light space.
  • Smudging to clear the spaces.
  • GaiaPortal of 11-30-15.
  • This VT article (oops, I never talked about this one, but I’ll leave the link here).
  • Energies are encouraging all to become Higher Dimensional.
  • Higher Dimensional = Multi-dimensional.

Audio player

(note: if a commercial comes on at the beginning, just click ahead about 1 minute.)

MP3 download link:

[Pre-show notes: “An amazingly intense energetic and “partner in contrast”-ic day.”]

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