Possible (Nuclear?) Blowback Against China? Big Explosion Today…

china_from_google_maps_2There’s several articles and videos out there about this. Here’s a couple.

VT: Was China Nuked Today by Rothschilds/Khazars/US?

RTS: BREAKING NEWS: Massive Explosion in China- Nuclear? … smells a lot like Yemen.

A couple of videos:


Although there’s almost no doubt this is some kind of cabal-ish payback against China, in neither of those videos did I see any evidence for pixelation which would be caused by protons hitting the CCD of the smartphone, so I do not believe this is actually a nuclear exxplosion.

Here’s the related May, 2015, VT post about the Yemen nuclear explosion, related to this:

VT Articles… “‘Saudis’ (Israel?) Have Dropped Nuclear Bombs on Yemen” (and the evidence for that)

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