GoodETxSG interview with Christine, Parts I & II… MP3s

GoodETxSG_gravatar_150_5These MP3s were created from the videos posted at the Kp blog (Part I and Part II).
There are 6 parts, 30-35 minutes (15-17 MB) each. Parts 1-4 cover Video Part I and Parts 5-6 cover Video Part II.
I’m also including links (and audio players) to the complete versions of Parts I and II, although for those I removed the short pieces of music from the start and end of Part I. Should you wish to have/hear the one with music, click the appropriate link.
GoodETxSG interview with Christine MP3s (Parts 1-4 = vid. I; Parts 5-6 = vid. II)
MP3s: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Complete vid. I MP3 (no music) [Complete vid. I MP3 (with music)]

Complete vid. II MP3 (there was no music in this one)


Donate to GoodETxSG (to cover travel expenses, etc.) by clicking this link, then clicking the image that says “Donate to Help Continue the Disclosure Mission” (in upper right of page)…
GoodETxSG blog (note: there is one post per page; to view earlier posts, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click the “Older posts” link)
GoodETxSG TOT* Forum thread
David Wilcock: (donate to David)
[*Note: TOT = The One Truth]

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