Kp Radio Hawaii… "Really Early Morning with Kp 3-22-15… "Disclosure, Anyone?""

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Talked about:

  • GoodETxSG and the news he reports at the TOT forum thread he is on.
  • Stuck and/or PO’d “Light Workers”.
  • The value of “releasing one’s hold” of all past paradigms; at least the willingness to.
  • The many levels of operations going on now in our solar system.
  • Releasing of the “saviors” and “gurus”.
  • Other stuff.

Audio player

(note: if a commercial comes on at the beginning, just click that speaker looking icon to mute for 30-65 seconds, then unmute.]
MP3 download link:
[Pre-show notes: Well, we shall see… I guess something will be mentioned about “Disclosure”, and that GoodETxSG guy.]

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