From Kingdom of Hawai’i Blog… Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., 3-13-15… "Follow Up" to the previous King's Message

kingdom_of_hawaii_seal_of_the_king_border_10This letter was just posted at the Kingdom of Hawai’i blog, and is a follow up to this earlier letter.

“You, as leaders, know the path that must be chosen; yet you hesitate to fully engage in what is at stake. It takes a heart of courage, of love for your fellow man, of passion for the beauty of the natural world, and most especially, of respect for the planet itself. It requires selflessness and statesmanship to make decisions that are good for mankind, with minimal political advantage.
“Look at the paths before you… the path of deathly destruction or the path of life advancement. Choose to be great, to be excellent. Look beyond the here and now and think about your legacy… a legacy that will last for an eternity.
“The real issue is that there is no need to go down the nuclear path at all. We have all the technology we need to provide power without relying upon nuclear reactors; such as… solar, wind, and other renewable and safe technologies that can be implemented quickly to make the burning of uranium, coal, gas, or oil unnecessary. Those renewable technologies are available now.
“If the parties to this dispute are prepared to pursue a comprehensive approach to resolving the conflicts threatening the entire Human Family, the Kingdom is prepared to put together a team to provide conflict resolution services to the parties. Those services will be based on ancient principles and practices developed by Hawaiians known as ho’oponopono.
The Kingdom path is the path of Aloha, A love for all creation and a belief that we can create what we know in our hearts is the highest expression of who we are as a species. Let our collective goal be to create a model of peace and prosperity for the Human Family, in harmony with the natural world and our planet.”

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