From Kingdom of Hawai'i Blog 12-10-14… "Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., 12-10-14… 'King's Message About Lowering the U.S. Flag (and raising the Hawaiian Kingdom Flag) at UH Hilo'"

kingdom_of_hawaii_seal_of_the_king_8The original letter was posted here, and connects with this earlier post about the flag lowering and raising at UH Hilo. Some may also wish to check out Mary Alice Ka’iulani’s article about that event.
The word “Laulima”, mentioned below, meaning essentially, “many hands working together in unison and respect”, is what occurred at UH Hilo, and is occurring all over this Kingdom (and this planet). Each is finding their place to assist in the re-energizing of the Kingdom of Hawai’i, in all aspects.
The highlights I received from this letter are below.

Laulima embodies the essence of what it means to live aloha. Importantly, it represents a pillar principle within our Hawaiian culture of many hands working together in unison and respect.
“After reading the negative print and seeing the video regarding the lowering of the United States flag, I was compelled to write this letter to express my love and support for the pono way in which the spirit of aloha was truly expressed by those who responded with the highest form of dignity, honor and integrity to an otherwise challenging but truthful situation.
“They also believe that the educational institution should be guided in all its actions by the true history of the illegal overthrow of our beloved Kingdom. Those who participated in the removal of the United States flag did so with utmost respect, folding the flag properly and delivering it to the offices of the educational institution.
“While the action of lowering the flag was taken without my knowledge or consent, I commend the courage and honesty of those who have taken this action. I also urge those who have responded to this action in anger to both study the history and learn why the Kingdom still exists as an occupied country and to take note of the respectful manner in which this action was carried out… there is no basis for claiming disrespect because the students are cleaning a stain on the history of the United States by righting a substantial wrong brought upon us because of greed, lust for power and control.
“What makes us who we are — is our allegiance to an idea that articulated our history of listening to the spiritual voice within with aloha. Today we continue a never-ending journey to bridge these living and moving philosophical truths with the realities of our time. For history tells us that while these inalienable rights may be self-evident and absolute, they’ve never been self-executing; that while freedom is a gift from Heavenly Father, it must be safeguarded by His people here on Earth. We, as the human family, must come together to right the substantial wrongs not just here in Hawai’i but all over the world. Let us begin here and let our example resonate around the planet bringing the healing that is so desperately needed.”

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