Kp Message 11-28-14… "A Message from Me"

140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010046_150_29This has to be written. I often post “everybody else’s” stuff, and now it’s time to post something from ME… the Kp I AM of ME… So here goes…
I feel I’m in the midst of a major change. I have sensed for the last few weeks that a major move is coming up. I’m talking about for this person of me, the Kp.
This may involve a physical move, it may be a move into a new “function”, it may be a move of how I blog things, it may be a move of things I blog. That’s why this time is so much fun, from my view. Change is absolutely normal and natural, if it’s not resisted.
I have often got physical indications when I’ve had a move coming up. After 9-11, I developed a toe joint pain (left foot). A psychic-type reader over here said that as soon as I released my resistance to moving, it would leave. Then a few weeks later, I moved to San Diego to work on a project. As soon as I landed, the foot (toe) pain was gone.
Early 2013, all of a sudden one day, I felt this intense morning foot pain, in both arches. Some mentioned to me that it sounded like planetary fascination-itis (no, that’s MY word… they said “plantar fasciitis”). A foot doctor said I should buy some special slippers for $100, which I did not. So I took some remedies, did my energetic work, and 3-4 months later, left the islands to go on “The Turtle Island Journey”. Shortly after I landed in California to start the mission, the pain in my arches was gone.
Now, just a few weeks ago, I’ve felt an occasionally intense pain on my left heel. It’s off and on, but I’ve been doing exercises and taking energetic remedy for it. Once again, a foot doctor said, “Go buy those $100 slippers.” Which so far, I have not.
Therefore, I know something of some type of move is coming. Exactly what that means, I have no idea. Well, that’s a non-truth. I have some idea. But to where, and when… NO idea.
We each may have functions in the birthing of this New World (notice, the word “order” does not follow that). We’re clearly at the “last gasp” stage of the old world, and old paradigms are falling all over the place. The old buildings are collapsing and the old landlords are trying to convince us that it’s all “Business as usual.”
So, at this moment, I say, “HAH”. Which sounds a lot like “Hā”… which means, in Hawaiian, “Breath”.
I’m doing a lot of “Hā-Hā-Hā-ing” these moments.
And so it will continue. Until the move is made… And the feet are at peace.
Mahalo everyone for your Love, Light, and support.
Aloha, Kp

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