Kp Radio Hawai’i 10-13-14… Interview with Lanny Sinkin (Ali`i Mana`o Nui), Part 1 of 2

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My apologies for the audio “challenges” with this show, as I could not sign in to the “studio” to start the “already uploaded and ready-to-go” show. However, a link to the original HIGH QUALITY MP3 of this show is below. Please feel free to download, or click to play in your browser…

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In this part of the interview, Mr. Sinkin discusses his background (education, legal, political, and spiritual), what led him to come to Hawaii, his legal efforts in Hawaii to protect sea life and the environment, and his initial involvement in the Hawaiian sovereignty movement, up until the time he learned about Ali`i Nui Mo`i Edmund K. Silva, Jr.

The date of this interview was 10-10-14.

Show MP3 Download link (available after show ends):

Music, “E Ala E” (© Mountain Apple Company) is available here (Lanny informed me this was one of his favorite Hawai’ian pieces).

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