Jim Dean VT 8-28-14… “Donetsk [Commanders] Press Interview…”

veterans_today_jim_dean_banner_7There are many similarities between what these commanders report here and the situation in Hawai’i (and I’m sure many other cabal-illegally-occupied countries as well). These two gentlemen surely have a difficult mission, but the bottom line is this: they will honor and protect their homeland at any cost.

I do not usually watch interviews with military anybody, but these two, in this video, I found very worthwhile listening to. (Be sure the CC is clicked “on”, and select the language of the captions in the scroll box.)

[Note: I’ve removed most of the photos, so go to the original article to see the full gallery.]


Donetsk Cmdrs. Press Interview on their Counterattack

[Editors Note:  As you watch the video of these two commanders, which I guarantee is worth your time, notice their demeanor…no brass, no show…no stage acting.

These people are the real deal. You will not see a bit of this on Western media as it refutes their propaganda completely.

This is proof that they know what is really going on, who are the aggressors against who…and have sided with the aggressors. It is that simple.


And the media is getting away with it as they have not been buried under in phone calls and emails from the public letting them know we are onto their scam.

We are learning that Kiev is vastly under reporting the killed and wounded, but that cannot go on indefinitely. This week we learned the Ukraine military field medical facilities are like something out of the 1800’s, due to being sent out without proper supplies. Many wounded are dying due to negligence. And I am talking amputations with no anesthetic, the full Monty.

Wounded soldiers are being shaken down to pay for care or taking their chances waiting their turn for army treatment. This even involves taxis price gouging soldiers to take them to civilian hospitals in the rear. This if FUBAR all the way folks, despite the expert advisers we know the US has sent in there from our vast outsourcing supply of defense contractors.

I did my first Russia Today TV show on their flagship program, CrossTalk, with Peter Lavelle. One of the ironies we covered is what the EU agreed to do back in November, try to negotiate a settlement with the East, and then reneged on that within a week, it is now agreeing to do again.

But now the financial situation is much worse as the initial IMF money was been wasted on the war and emergency care. Fixing things now will be much harder, more hatred, and the economy is in a free fall. I used the term “jumped off the cliff”.

Just the first amount they are talking about for reconstruction is a half billion US. War wounded families are now all anti-government, and Right Sector is threatening to pull its units out of the fighting likes and go back to Kiev to take over the Interior Ministry.

This is what the West, the US, EU and NATO have brought to Ukraine…death, destruction and despair. Those people did nothing to us to deserve this. But we have people in the West, all those responsible for this aggression, who deserve to be under the receiving end of the guns of the Ukraine Army to get a taste of what Western freedom and democracy are really like when they make house calls… Jim W. Dean ]

 – First published  …  August 28, 2014  –

On Sunday, the main headquarters of the Donetsk People’s Republic   announced  that it had launched a counteroffensive against Kiev’s “punitive  forces” in the region, blocking and surrounding many of the  military and paramilitary units.

The military equipment captured from local army depots and those  forces surrendering en masse has allowed militia to form 2 tank  battalions, 3 multiple launcher rocket system batteries, 2  self-propelled howitzer batteries, 3 cannon battalions of various  calibers and 8 mortar batteries, the Chairman of the Council of  Ministers of the Donetsk People’s Republic Aleksander  Zakharchenko told the press at the time.


YouTube – Veterans Today –



A group of 62 Ukrainian troops have crossed into Russia’s Rostov Region seeking shelter to save their lives amid an intensified counteroffensive recently launched by anti-Kiev militia in southeastern Ukraine.

“Today, 62  servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces turned to Russian border  guards asking to let them into the Russian territory near  Russia’s settlement of Shramko, Matveyevo-Kurgansky district,  with the aim to save their lives,” the spokesman for the  FSB’s border guard office in the Rostov Region, Nikolay Sinitsyn,  told Itar-Tass news agency on Wednesday.

They were allowed to cross and provided with a transit corridor  on the principles of humanism, but only after they left their  weapons on the Ukrainian side of the border, Sinitsyn added.

This case became the latest in a series of similar incidents where a total of  over 500 Ukrainian troops crossed into Russia since July seeking  refuge and medical help.

Earlier this week, Ukraine released videos showing alleged  Russian paratroopers captured on Ukrainian territory. Russian Defense  Ministry sources were saying that they probably crossed the  border by mistake during a routine patrol of an area which wasn’t  manned. President Putin, when asked about the issue said he hoped  it won’t be blown out of proportion, since Ukrainian troops  regularly cross into Russian territory, sometimes in armored vehicles  and were never charged with anything and always allowed to return  to Ukraine freely.

Kiev’s renewed accusations of Russian military’s alleged  operations on Ukrainian territory are “nothing new,”   says Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov, adding that Russia  regularly refutes such reports. Meanwhile Kiev says it has  launched a preliminary investigation into the detained men on  suspicion of “aiding terrorist groups.”

Protests are frequent near military bases

“When my husband was captured, how did you talk to me for the  first time? You were swearing at me!” a woman shouted at an  unnamed Kiev commander in the city of Novograd-Volynsky ,  Zhytomyr Region, western Ukraine, as reported by Hromadske.TV.

“When it comes to captured soldiers what are you doing?”   she added, sobbing. “I don’t need my son in a coffin being called a hero! I need  my hero at home! Alive! And they’re yelling ‘Glory to Ukraine,  glory to heroes!’ But I don’t need THIS Ukraine!” shouted  another woman.

The protests have been held in several western major Ukrainian  cities, such as Ivano-Frankovsk, Nikolaev, Lvov and Zhitomir.

At the beginning of August, mothers of Kiev soldiers gathered in  the southern city of Odessa to take part in a flash mob against  the military operation. They wore slogans saying “Children  should be born, not killed.” The soldiers taking part in the military operation in the  country’s east also feel frustration towards the Kiev government.

“Colonel, tell me one thing,” shouted a Ukrainian  soldier at one of the Kiev commanders. “When we were at  Saur-Mogila [a strategic point in the Donetsk Region] for two  days waiting for reinforcements, why were we abandoned?”

“We got out of the encirclement. And the officers told us,   ‘Oh, you’re alive!’” he added.

Ukraine has faced a violent internal conflict since April, when  Kiev started a crackdown in the country’s eastern regions, which  refused to recognize the coup-installed government.

According to United Nations’ estimates released Tuesday, over  2,249 people have so far been killed and over 6,033 wounded in  the fighting in eastern Ukraine. The number of  internally-displaced Ukrainians has reached 190,000, with another  207,000 finding refuge in Russia, the UN said. Protests are frequent near military bases

“When my husband was captured, how did you talk to me for the  first time? You were swearing at me!” a woman shouted at an  unnamed Kiev commander in the city of Novograd-Volynsky ,  Zhytomyr Region, western Ukraine, as reported by Hromadske.TV.

When it comes to captured soldiers what are you doing?”   she added, sobbing. “I don’t need my son in a coffin being called a hero! I need  my hero at home! Alive! And they’re yelling ‘Glory to Ukraine,  glory to heroes!’ But I don’t need THIS Ukraine!” shouted  another woman.

The protests have been held in several western major Ukrainian  cities, such as Ivano-Frankovsk, Nikolaev, Lvov and Zhitomir.

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