David Wilcock Comment (1 of 2) at Ben Fulford’s Latest Article…

David_Wilcock_Search91Originally I saw these at RMN. I’m posting the pre-David comments, which apparently led to his comments, first. And since his response-type comments are fairly long, I’ll post David’s in two parts.


Related pre-David comment: Comment by azure on August 18, 2014 @ 5:25 pm
“Azure were you aware of the notion widely accepted by many, perhaps even David himself that DW is the incarnation of Edgar Cayce.
Wynn Free wrote a book to this end collaborating with DW a while back though my knowledge of this area is limited and only the result of researching something about the Elohim that led to Wynn frees site ages ago.
All the interconnections seem to be coming together for me personally on so many levels in other respects and this one just presented so thought it might be of value mentioning.” xx ❤️ [Comment by lindigabs on August 18, 2014 @ 4:42 pm]
[Azure] Yes I was aware of this but I do not think he is right that Obama is a great lightworker. I also think that the style of writing is completely different from Cayce because Cayce would go into a trance and write exactly what he saw in the trance. He would access the Ashkashic records. Not through dreams.

One interesting thing that David Wilcock has not commented on is Cayce’s original predictions of “Earth Changes” ie the land masses rising and falling and the US split into three sections. Why, when and how?

Here is Edgar Cayce’s prediction of the 44th President.
Edgar Cayce says exactly? Here it is:

“The 44th president of the U.S. would be black and would be the last. The 44th President of the U.S. going to pull the nuclear trigger. ”

Does that sound like a great lightworker to you? Why would the reincarnated soul reverse himself? I am not convinced he is.

Comment by dwilcock on August 18, 2014 @ 11:56 pm
I’ve had a website since February 1999 and have been writing in discussion forums online since 1996. That is a great deal of material. Someone would have to do an exceptional amount of work to be familiar with all of it at this point.

I covered extensively the subject of earth changes in 1998. People don’t realize that at the end of all those Cayce readings, it said “I Halaliel have spoken.”

The Cayce group later realized that Halaliel was a negaitve entity. They were originally told if they let Halaliel talk, the readings would get clearer and easier to understand.

The Halaliel material is where all the failed earth-change Cayce prophecies came from. The group realized it was a negative entity, said they no longer wanted to work with it, and were later told this was the right decision.

Specifically, it was allowed to take its best shot because Cayce was letting himself get really angry at his critics. Anger at another human being over a prolonged time, no matter how justified it may seem, changes the rules and allows negative entities to get in.

There is no quote about the 44th President of the United States in the Cayce readings — none that are real. Had that been the case, the moment Obama won, everyone would have been talking about it. Disinformation is almost ubiquitous on the internet.

Since most of Cayce’s readings were for clients in the 1930s and early 1940s, asking about personal issues, the amount of prophetic material is actually very small. It’s all been combed over extensively and is the subject of well over 600 books.

I have continued discussing this possible reincarnation story when asked, such as in my last episode on Coast and also the radio show with Richard Garner, both linked in the recent George Noory post on my site. However, I certainly do not focus on it anymore and haven’t for a long time. It only seems to divide, not unite.

The way I look at it is that what matters is who I am and what I’m doing now. And we have a planet that needs our help. So I am doing whatever I can do, within my own means, to try to make the world a better place.

– David [divinecosmos.com]

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