Major New Report by Lada Ray 8-15-14… “Is Putin Part of NWO?”

putin_enigma_lada_rayThis appears to be a very thoughtful, and carefully written and referenced article by Lada Ray. I am adding the link at the end of this, and will only post the conclusion and predictions. Please go to the article itself to read the entire report. Here are the Conclusion and Predictions.

“[Lada Ray] The important thing to understand once and for all is this:

For NWO to succeed, they have to eliminate the only obstacle they have, Vladimir Putin, and Russia in general.


Do I even need to say that this is a false conspiracy theory. As someone who knows intimately Russia and Russians, I can confidently say that the people who are pushing this have no idea of the Russian realities and aspirations. Moreover, these people think unrealistically highly of NWO. At this time, NWO is losing on all fronts. Or rather, there are desperate attempts by NWO executives to salvage their power, which is slipping between their fingers, like sand.

There are new, emerging powers in town. The US knows this, and this is exactly why they are going crazy, intensifying attacks on Russia and China. They know the tide has turned. The only strategy they have left is trying to delay the inevitable.

In short, this is yet another hoax to sway and confuse the gullible masses. While the author may honestly believe what he writes, someone is obviously using him for their agenda – and you remember what that agenda is: vilifying and destroy Russia and Putin.


There will be no single world currency for the foreseeable future. The next step is regional currencies. Russia and China will dominate their respective regional currencies.

Russia, China and the BRICS are creating the Multipolar World to replace the uni-polar, NWO infested world we have today. The Multipolar world will be a much fairer structure, where multiple currencies and multiple world centers will be used to balance the needs and rights of all continents.

For many centuries, the majority of the earth’s population has been existing as an oppressed, invaded and economically drained appendix to the huge appetites of Western Europe and USA. Centuries old aggression by the West kept the majority of the world poor and stinted.

The current rebalancing of the global players will return the world to a better balance and justice. For that to happen, US must diminish. All Anglo-Saxon countries must diminish. Other regions of the world must rise.

Russia’s move of the EU/US/Canada/Australia/Norway agricultural ban is brilliant on many levels. Not only it will help Russian domestic producers to rise and claim their legitimate place in the Russian market, but it will also help Latin American, Asian, Turkish and South African agriculture to rise and become more influential and competitive. This will eventually aid in the creation of the Multi-Polar World!

Note, the latest news is that EU is trying to put pressure on Latin America and Turkey not to do business with Russia. Their intimidation techniques are quite scary to many countries, so we will have to see how it plays out and who will or won’t succumb to the EU intimidation. Ecuador already announced they won’t bow to the West. Others are more of a question mark. My prediction is that EU won’t succeed; although, they will try to make it difficult.

Africa is a bit behind in the process of reclaiming its power and sovereignty, compared to other continents. Africa’s time will come later. This is a very interesting subject – I did receive this question, when will Africa rise, from a number of readers. I will discuss my predictions in this regard in one of my future special reports.


Is Putin Part of NWO?

Click link above to read the full article at Lada Ray’s site.

Read about Russia’s historic and karmic role as the ultimate balancer of the planet Earth in PREDICTIONS.

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