The Separation… (Big Time, Baby!)

140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010045_150_3I’ve titled that post as it is, because that’s the way it is. From my viewpoint. It was very clear that I had to get that out as soon as possible, and make it short, and sweet.
What “The Separation” means:

  • We are separating from personal old (not useful anymore) paradigms. Like, “I’ve got to do this.” “I’ve got to act this way.” “I should be working a job.” Lesson: “Don’t ‘should’ on yourself.”
  • We are separating from family old (not useful anymore) paradigms. “I’ve got to do what Mom and Dad want me to do.” “My brother does this, so if I do this, I’ll be better than him.” “My only family is my blood relatives.” Lesson: “Find your own Inner passion and follow it.”
  • We are separating from community/cultural old (not useful anymore) paradigms. “In Hawai’i you’ve got to surf.” “My culture says I have to marry who my parents tell me to.” “We don’t associate with those ______ people.” (fill in the blank with just about any culture on the planet). Lesson: “Open up your Heart and let the Sun shine in… We are all Children of this Universe,” and/or, “Holy crap, get a grip and start living and BEing in the 21st century.”
  • We are separating from “political” old (not useful anymore) paradigms. “I can only be a Republican or Democrat. Liberal or conservative.” “All politics is straightforward and honest.” “Every politician tells the truth.” Lesson: “Find your Higher Sense and you’ll know who/what to align with… if any of them.”
  • We are separating from international old (not useful anymore) paradigms. “Well if the US government tells me I have to take a vaccination, then they must be right.” “I must pay my income taxes.” “Those people in _________… they’re all no good and not to be trusted.” (fill in the blank with just about any country on the planet). Lesson: “Open up your Heart and let the Sun shine in… We are all Children of this Universe,” and/or, “Holy crap, get a grip and start living and BEing in the 21st century.”
  • We are separating from planetary old (not useful anymore) paradigms. “What I do on the planet has no effect on it at all.” “I cannot possibly communicate with the planet.” “Talk to the trees, the land, the birds, the bees…? You’ve got to be nuts.” Lesson: “The only ‘nuts’ ones anymore are those who don’t communicate to the planet. The planet is a sentient Being and listens to as as we may listen to her.”
  • We are separating from Cosmic old (not useful anymore) paradigms. “All that Cosmic crap has nothing to do with me.” “So what if Jupiter is in Scorpio and Uranus is in Libra. That’s got nothing to do with me either.” “Anything happening beyond Earth has no effect.” Lesson: “We are Beings of the Cosmos. We come from many parts of the Cosmos. We are at one with the Cosmos. And we accept the lessons the Cosmos is trying to give us.”

Okay, folks, that is it for now.
Aloha, Kp

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