The “Hawai’ian Kingdom” series, Part 12: "King's Letter (Proclamation) to the Secretary of the Interior"

hawaiian_kingdom_shield_12A few highlights are below (from my perspective).

“In the press release issued by the Department of the Interior, you state that you are here “[i]n response to requests from the Native Hawaiian community, Hawaii’s congressional delegation and state leaders.”
“I, as King, did not invite you. You are in my house and I did not invite you.
Those who did invite you are engaged in active acts of treason designed to destroy the Kingdom by creating a nation-within-a-nation similar to a First Nations reservation. Your acceptance of their invitation simply means that you are aiding and abetting that treason.
“Let us be clear. There is nothing politically or legally that differentiates the United States occupation of the Kingdom from the German occupation of Poland… Both resulted from illegal acts of war. The correction is the same for both – an end to occupation and restoration to full independence. Under international law and Kingdom domestic law, your departure is required.
The Apology Resolution was another attempt to make the Kingdom subjects of non-Hawaiian ancestry invisible. The apology was offered “to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the United States for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii.” The apology should have been to all subjects of the Kingdom.
“The United States is, as yet, too blinded by its imperial ambitions to see the value that would come to your nation and the rest of the world from ending the occupation of the Hawaiian Archipelago. The most I can offer at this time is to advise you to go in peace and cease meddling in our internal affairs.
“The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (hereinafter “OHA”) is an agency of the State of Hawai’i, and as such, is an instrument of policy for the United States. For many years, this agency of the occupying power has taken money produced from the lands of the Kingdom and used those funds to finance efforts to destroy the Kingdom. And you do this with Hawaiian blood running through your veins… Who gave OHA the authority to dictate the future of our Kingdom, and to choose to manipulate our Kingdom into a nation-within-a-nation status? No one!
“History, the law, and morality point to the only true resolution of our current situation – restoration of the Kingdom of Hawai’i as an independent nation within the community of nations.… I call upon the Trustees to resign their positions and reclaim their integrity by joining with those who are on the righteous path of national sovereignty.”


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