Benjamin Fulford 5-27-14… "New energy technology moving ahead even as financial chaos deepens"

benjamin_fulford_smile_smirk57Very positive news here.


New energy technology moving ahead even as financial chaos deepens
Last week saw major cabal set-backs in the financial war together with several big moves on the energy front.
On the financial front, former World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes and lawyer Winston Shrout tried to sue the World Bank into returning 1000 tons of gold deposited with it by the government of Japan, according to CIA and Japanese government sources (Ms. Hudes did not answer an e-mail asking for confirmation of this). However, the US Treasury Department, the de facto controllers of the World Bank, refused, saying the gold Japan had deposited with the World Bank was stolen from the dragon family, the sources said.
In any case, the dragon family has not gotten its gold back either, so the fact remains the United States corporate government has stolen all the gold it held in trust for the planet and is bankrupt. The only rational option for the United States is now to bankrupt the corporate government, nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and start issuing greenbacks. The cabal, of course, will use all its power to prevent that from happening so continued financial turbulence is inevitable until the whole structure collapses (more about that below).
On the energy front things are looking much better: it has now become clear that the suppressed energy technology genie is out of the bottle. A major Japanese manufacturer contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say they were going ahead with the production of Tesla Quantum Energy Generators. The WDS has still not been able to test such a device though.
On a different front, a major Japanese government research organization has started, in conjunction with the Pentagon, to manufacture a one meter by two meter sized nuclear reactor that

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