My Suggestion for Memorial Day… "Remember your Self"

140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010045_240_5In the U.S. region, tomorrow is officially “Memorial Day“. Yes, there will be all of the “traditional” U.S.-type celebrations and remembrances of those who have given their lives in service to humanity… but to me, there is much, much, more.
As the title says (and my own personal path of living is (at least most of the time… when I remember!)), one moment at a time, “Remember my Self.” That’s “Self”, capital “S”… and to me, that means the “Following my Higher Purpose and Higher Mission” Self… the Self that’s attuned to “The Light”…
… the Light within… the Higher Guidance within…
No need to say any more. Each of your Higher Selves will know exactly how to “Remember your Self” on this Memorial Day.
Much Aloha to all, Kp

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