“Dr Masaru Emoto in Hawaii”, March 2 (Hilo) & 3 (Kona)

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[Kp note for this posting: It’s this weekend for those who wish to come to Hilo or Kona and participate in Dr. Emoto’s “Love & Gratitude Can Heal You and the Earth” presentation. Another reason this event is particularly special, is that we approach the 2nd anniversary of the 3-11-11 Japan earthquake-tsunami. This talk will undoubtedly highlight what we can do to assist in In-Lightening (bringing Light into) what occurred on 3-11-11.

And next week, Dr. Emoto (along with Kumu Keala Ching) will be leading a healing ceremony for the oceans on March 10, at the same time that the 3-11-11 earthquake occurred. More on that later.]

[Kp note (from previous Dr. Emoto posting): I am posting this again, as the event draws near, because I sense that this is a Gaia uplifting event, specifically timed for the awakening of humanity, in this Now moment. Many events of various kinds are aligning for the uplift of this planet, and this Dr. Emoto event is perhaps the key to all of it. Being physically present at either of these talks enables you to be a part of this upliftment. Follow your Guidance.]

Dr. Masaru Emoto will appear on the Big Island in Hilo, March 2, 2-4 PM (Hawaii College of Oriental Medicine), and Kona, March 3, 7-9 PM (Aloha Theater). Those who have not heard him will likely be amazed at his scientific studies of the connection between water, consciousness and healing.

For more information, and to purchase tickets, please contact Yumi Kikuchi at 1-808-334-9616, or email [email protected].

You may also read more about the event at Yumi’s blog page, and Harmonics Healing blog.

Those of you on Big Island who know me, may also purchase advance tickets from me (KP).

Tickets may also be purchased at the Aloha Theater and Java on the Rock in Kona.

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