Apocalypse(s), Anyone?

I’m putting up a few items today that have to do with what appears (to me, at least) to be examples of Apocalypse. No, that’s not about what some “misguided and other doom and gloom” type people might say it is. It does NOT mean that the planet is going to explode, or implode, or get hit by meteors, Planet X, Nibiru, or a planet-sized sumo wrestler created from stray irradiation at Fukushima.

So I’m first just posting what the derivation of “apocalypse” is.

a·poc·a·lypse [uh-pok-uh-lips]
1125–75; ME < LL apocalypsis < Gk apokálypsis revelation, equiv. to apokalýp ( tein ) to uncover, reveal (apo- apo- + kalýptein to cover, conceal) + -sis -sis [from Dictionary.com]

I guess my favorite term to use is “unveiling”. You may have your own.

Let the “Apocalypse(s) roll!

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